I wonder if my safe://constellations2 was faulty for this?
A refresh was triggered from the browser after one minute. But new content is only available after a duration between 1 mn 10 and 1 mn 30 (every minute is programmed but the generation takes longer). When same content was received I was retriggering refresh every 400ms.
If many people display this page permanently, then this could generate a lot of GET requests on the network. I am not sure, but it’s possible that I have launched a DDoS attack through a popular site!
In doubt, to reduce the number of GETs, I have relaunched a new version in which the first refresh is triggered after 1 mn 15 and then every 4 seconds until new content appears (instead of 400ms). The site address is the same (safe://constellations2) but if the page is already opened you’ll have to refresh the page explicitly to take the new timings into account.