SAFE Network - Test 15

Hi All, I’m going to take an off topic risk here but does anyone have a Vault working with a BT homehub 4? I’m stuck on this option, it seems a bit severe… but without port forwarding I cant build a vault… I don’t think disabled is a wise move, anyone have an opinion?


Default looks ok - In [Port Forwarding] is there not [Supported Applications] where you have [User-defined games & Applications] option?.. then I would expect [Add new game or application] => [Protocol]=Any [Port Range]= 5483 - 5483 [Translate To]=5483 - 5483 … and the same for 5484… can’t recall why I’ve got both those but it works.


Visual representation of nodes and sections at safe://galaxy

There are currently 139 nodes:

I am afraid test 15 is the last network where I can do this because I rely heavily on free POSTs and there is a project of making people pay for POSTs in the future.

Currently I don’t use any API but only html and json files. I make my site dynamic by replacing json files periodically. As long at each file remains under 3KB and each directory under 100KB, I only pay once to create them. If I had to pay to update them, then my account balance would be exhausted in few hours.


A newbie here… until now only a “lurker” watching in awe the great things this project is attempting, the amazing accomplishments to date, and the admirable positive energy of this forum! I am looking forward to the day that I can contribute something even if only as an occasional tester and later as a farmer (one of millions, I hope!).

In the meantime, can anyone help me understand why I can’t connected as a vault in Test 15? I always get something very similar to this:

Is it just a bandwidth problem (according to, I typically get 52 Mbps down, 5.7 Mbps up) or is there something else going on here?

Thanks in advance.


In your case this is a problem of CPU performance: the resource proof wasn’t completed on time (only 86% of it).


Maybe the problem is something else, but the upload requirement for vaults is 6 Mbps for now, so 5.7 Mbps might just fall short for the approval resource proof.


Shouldn’t a newish iMac with 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5 be able to do the job?


OK, I’ll resign myself to waiting for a while longer! It’s my understanding that the rate limit may be reduced eventually (soon?).


It’ll do it easily.

For your situation the vault only got through 86% of the resource proof which means you uploaded 86% of the proof data in the required time of 300 seconds.

If anyone else using your internet connection was uploading or streaming at the time then maybe if you get them to pause you might have a chance.


I am not aware of any other significant loading on the uplink during my vault connection attempts, so I guess I’ll just have to accept that I’m a little below the current required threshold.

Thanks for the assistance!


Okay I’ve forwarded my ports AND I’ve enabled UPnG and the vault still doesn’t connects and auto shuts down. What am I doing wrong?

What error/log message do you get.

What is the IP address of the machine with the vault?.
What was the IP address you forwarded the port to?
What Port# did you forward?

No error message. It just quits.

I just created a new local IP address for it.

And I just forwarded it to the default accepter port.

try setting the new parameter (force) to true? I haven’t installed the vault software so unsure of name and if its a true/false field, but from what others have siad I gather its a true/false.

This should force the other nodes to use the acceptor port# rather than the port number the router gives the outgoing packet.

Just tried that. No dice. Here’s a little something from the log file.

I 17-03-26 03:16:22.725983 [safe_vault]

Running safe_vault v0.13.2

T 17-03-26 03:16:27.147236 [routing::states::bootstrapping] Bootstrapping(c06964…) Listener started on port 5483.
E 17-03-26 03:16:31.430481 [crust::main::bootstrap] Failed to Bootstrap: (FailedExternalReachability) Bootstrappee node could not establish connection to us.
I 17-03-26 03:16:31.431481 [routing::states::bootstrapping] Bootstrapping(c06964…) Failed to bootstrap. Terminating.
D 17-03-26 03:16:31.464483 [routing::state_machine] State::Bootstrapping(c06964…) Terminating state machine

There has to be a problem with port forwarding or port#. This could be the router not doing its job properly or some setup issue. Also the firewall on the machine has to allow packets to be accepted with port # of the acceptor port.

Just to ensure we are on the same page.

If you vault is on a machine with IP address of aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and using port# pppp then the port forwarding “rule” in the router should be like

port forward port # pppp to ip address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

in the vault crust config file the acceptor port is “pppp”
and the force flag is “TRUE”

EDIT: this is the port forward for my router


Good that I am on leave with nice connection. I am in.


@tfa this is brilliant! Do we know he many are community nodes and how many MaidSafe nodes? @maidsafe


yes I had the same issue when playing with webcams and time safe site in 12c, I was simply putting again and again, and finally exhausted my 500 limit.

I hope POSTs will be affordable so we can uptade things often without paying huge amounts.


The original plan for mutable (structured) data was that you pay a premium to create (x10) but that updates are free. I’m not aware of there’s a change for Mutable Data, or if the plan is the same. I guess testing will be needed to confirm anyway.