It was a weak argument… touching on notions that salespeople do find real effect in the idea of that “your neighbours are all in”.
we aren’t in a situation where your neighbours are all in but in a situation where you need to get the ball rolling by individuals who begin using it though there are only few people in it yet
More to the point, you have to answer why is it called SAFE… and part of that is for everyone.
Im not one for the mainstream and the safe acronym does say it all so I lean towards that heavily BUT I think something (not cheesy or cliché) could be way more effective from a marketing perspective.
I have a hard time coming up with what exactly what that would be but you and I would know it when we saw it, it just requires some creative brainstorming.
I also wonder what the app icon of the finished installer will look like. I really like the design of the Lifestuff app and the little thought bubble that looks much like a cloud (cloud as in storage). I think Safe Access For Everyone is good if nothing better comes up though. Just my 2 cents.
How many votes does #3 need to have to discuss other straplines and not going with #1 and #2 right away?
I’m very much against the second one which makes me want to vote for #1 as long as I don’t know how many votes we need for #3 to consider other options
when people care and ask the battle is half won … the first impression matters … if you call it “safe - that’s an acronym for secure access for everyone” … that sounds nerdy in my opinion … and many many people will think they are too stupid to use it or don’t want to be that geeky …
If you don’t know this is a conversation about the internet at least then changing “Secure” to “SAFE” means nothing. Secure access for everyone (to the internet/network). SAFE access for everyone (to the internet/network). If you don’t know what’s at the end of that sentence changing Secure to SAFE means nothing.
You don’t get away with that… it’s called SAFE; we’re not renaming the network “PSF”.
Anyhow I’m settled now on SAFE Access For Everyone, as above for its appeal to the infinite and then backward to Freedom… and from there to Security and Privacy.
@frabrunelle this is a vote/discussion about a strap line but what would a user see when they see the installer icon? Would it just be an image? Would it say safe network? And what would it look like? I think these are all important factors that would help in creating a more decisive strap line
we don’t need to rename it … “SAFE → privacy, security, freedom”
or maybe another strapline that rocks … but just explaining the safe … is kind of lame and as others already said doesn’t even explain what safe is about … could as well be a children’s zoo …
Ah… well there’s some merit in that. SAFE follows from that there is Privacy; Security; and Freedom.
On Dropbox homepage it says “Dropbox works the way you do”. Personally I think that sucks but we’re thinking of a line like this correct? Just need to consider something that can encompass secure storage, messaging, computation, commerce, etc.
‘secure access for everyone’ on its own might as well be about a revolving door company.
Privacy, security and freedom tells you ‘why’, and people buy the ‘why’ before the ‘what’ imo. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | TED Talk.
Could we not simply add SAFE Access For Everyone as a 3rd voting option (4 options total) instead of grouping those against current options and those for SAFE Access For Everyone in the same pool.
The word Network is important because we focus the global Idea. Without it all is very diffuse.
And remember, we try to attract people who don’t have any knowledge about Safe. In this phase we need to show the obvious.
Security, Anonymity, Freedom and Equality
Honestly I think either would work well. My 2c, though:
Privacy, Security, Freedom:
I think this is strong, but my concern is that it’s a little too abstract, and also a little jargony. Too many straplines are like this (Trust, Dedication, Perseverance … bleh). Forgetting what I know about the SAFE Network, encountering three nouns like this is too familiar and causes my mind to skip over the language, mumbling along the way “Yeah whatever.” Anyway that’s my “devil’s advocate” argument, which I think holds a little water, for a strapline I otherwise think is fairly effective.
Secure Access For Everyone:
I love the openness of this, that it’s a noun phrase which lends overall cohesion to the strapline, and that it’s recursive (repetition is golden for language like this; I mean for language like this, it’s golden ). Two other notes:
— I don’t think most people will care “how” it’s secure, and I think the “why” of security is self-evident. I’m not sure what “where” means in this context, and “what” I believe is also self-evident: the Internet.
— The only language the second strapline adds is “Privacy” and “Freedom”—notions that I think are more important to the crypto community than the average user. Safety is the primary concern for most users, and I think it’s implied in “Security.” “Freedom” is actually more complex in this context, but bottom-line: I don’t think most people feel “un-free” on the Internet, so question how much this will speak to them.
Op. 1- S.A.F.E. has the advantage that it is a ‘stand alone’ coherent statement- you could use it to describe what the SAFE network offers most simply, and can be used by word of mouth to share in 4 words why someone uses it, or should use it.
Op. 2- Privacy, Security, Freedom are 3 big hitting concepts which leave the receiver in awe but none the wiser… additional explanation is needed to bring the message home.
I worked for a company who’s tag line was ‘Smarter, Faster. Further’ … so you can see why I’m a little averse to the 3 word and comma combo…
But the average SAFE user will surely be more inclined to care about these things too?
It’s also implied in the name SAFE which is already plastered over everything
I still much prefer ‘privacy, security and freedom’, but could easily be persuaded for a better, third option.
S.A.F.E, no questions.