SAFE Network strapline suggestions

But seriously, doesn’t get any better than “Secure Access For Everyone” for the network itself. Some great ideas for cloud storage aspect of it in this thread tough.


You can predict the future,You just can’t predict Safe.

Be part of a new, secure internet

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Let’s build a revolutionary new internet

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Let’s kick start a new internet

The new, unstoppable internet

SAFE network: the internet is broken. Let’s fix it.

I like this. It’s bold and direct, and also a positive call for action. It makes more sense for the initial users of the Network, who will be more about contributing then consuming.


How SAFE is your data?

SAFE - The Internet, enchanced

SAFE - The Internet’s Sanctuary

SAFE - The fully encrypted internet


SAFE Network - where your data lives forever

SAFE - backup your data across every continent… for cheap :slight_smile:

We are closing this topic now because we have selected the straplines for the new vote. Click here to see the new voting topic.