SAFE Network Dev Update - September 12, 2019

The almost smooth progress of the projects and sub projects is exhilarating to watch on the project plan. It probably hides all the yelling and screaming that happens in the background but the whole team is supported by us, the community, in this Epic endeavour. Epic - thought I’d sneak it in.


Maidsafe presents: More than a decade in the making, a safe network alpha, project “fleming” Phase two-B act 1. Coming to a repository near microsoft in 2020. Or 21.


A little dramatic dont you think.
I have decided to build my own pool, for the same price as having one installed I can do it myself and get 3 times more for the same cost.

Anyway point is I am working my ass off, every minute that I am not working at earning money I am busting my ass building.
To my wife and 3 kids who want the pool yesterday it seems like an neverending project.
Even though they dont constantly criticize how slow I am at delivering the project (which would be very rude) I know they think this is going to end in 2021.

Point is, it has taken me building a pool to fully grasp what Maidsafe is going through while impatient bystanders watch from the sidelines and expect it yesterday.


I’m really sorry. I’m normally careful to not use too much jargon, so everyone can understand but I missed it on ‘Epic’.

@whiteoutmashups I hear what you are saying about milestone confusion and you are right with the goals - so much easier to split big tasks down into smaller chunks of work. Which is exactly what’s being done here:

SAFE Network is the goal, and the names of the ‘smaller chunks of work’ we need to deliver are Fleming, Maxwell and Beta.

Each of those chunks is then broken down further, so for Fleming, the ‘smaller chunks of work’ are BLS, Vaults, node ageing etc… at this stage we’ve called these smaller chunks ‘projects’

Then we take each of them and break them down further … at this stage they are called ‘phases’ (a number of phases make up a project), and then breaking each phase down further we call them ‘Epics’ (which make up phases, which make up a project…). Epics are broken down into stories, and into tasks etc.

Some teams use this lingo, others use a different vocabulary. I’m not ridgid on which one is to be used, just as long as everyone understands the scope, and how it all fits together.


Morning! Thats the links to these post on the forum:

Data types: An Overview of Data Types on the SAFE Network
More information on Phase 1 Vaults: What’s included in Phase 1 Vaults?


@Traktion nailed the answer. Typically we’ll estimate for 1 person to do the work, and if it makes sense for more people to help then it should speed up the delivery. In theory…

But as the saying goes:
" In theory there is no difference between theory and practice . But, in practice , there is."

As you get ‘closer’ to a task, and scope and understand it in more detail, the estimations become adjusted as necesssary. But these initial estimations are always good to have (both for getting an initial feel for complexity, and for lessons learned afterwards ie. why did we over/underestimate)


I certainly can’t say it’s just me driving this - but I’m certainly not against it :wink:

We do have more of a ‘product’ focus lately, but that’s only because we are able to build on the work that’s happened to date. Had that not happened, we wouldn’t be where we are now.


And thanks for the agile description @Traktion, spot on. We also break stories down further in to tasks / sub-tasks etc.

For those who aren’t familiar with this approach - it’s just a way of breaking big pieces of work down into manageable chunks of work so the team can deliver.


I don’t think I’ve posted so much on the forum, ever! Can you tell I LOVE anything to project management!!! hahahahaha I could talk all day about it! Its so much fun!


Don’t hold back.

Much more and you will need to make a Gantt chart for scheduling your talk.


Is that a very small chart?


Yes and why I fixed my engineering spelling.

Last year I couldn’t even spell Enginer now I are one


As long as these PM methods are used with common sense and not followed religiously.


Typically, over the years, I’ve found project delivery is just as much about the technical side of the project, as the people side. And people are wonderfully complex and interesting.

So although various methodologies (PM or otherwise) provide a good solid foundation to work from - I’m a big believer in ‘doing what’s right by the team’. You can have great processes, but if the team aren’t engaged and on fire to do the work, the process is useless.

Which means I totally agree with you @draw, even though I’d argue there’s no such thing as common sense :wink:


Yes, sometimes this doesn’t help: It takes 9 months for one woman to carry a baby to term, but I am not sure that 9 women will do that in 1 month!


:laughing: sooo true!!!


If I translate the Dutch ‘boerenverstand’ I get farmer’s mind. I also get a horse sense, but I haven’t heard of that either, so I went for common sense :wink:
Edit to be correct: ‘gezond boerenverstand’ → ‘healthy farmer’s mind’.


Now i see full steam, alot of new commits in github, seems like all folks are back from holidays, project plan for Vault 2 and BLS is done. Est in github seems to be inaccurate (the tasks are done much faster it seems) @dirvine Sorry for not complaining this time!


Oh that’s interesting!
Yes I can see how common sense can translate to farmers mind - good choice.

… both sides of my family are farmers so maybe some of their common sense has come through to me?! (Although my husband would disagree :laughing: )

I didn’t realise you were translating to English - apologies if you took my response the wrong way.

Edit: I’ve heared so many people over the years say just ‘use your common sense’ but over and over again I find that this just leads to different expectations being assumed, different things being delivered and then arguments / conflicts happening…


Just wanted to say its great to see how far this project has got, Looking forward to it getting wider coverage as its going to start to have a profound affect soon.