You make some very good network data “pricing” methodology points. To me the network level option you describe is fundamental for a “global flat playing field”. Whilst I have been very product focused i.e. the Care Capacity Data Council QBOS product I’ve been thinking about the pricing methodology as it is fundamental to the networks success!!! So your “pricing methodology thinking” is very helpful to focus here. Trying to think about how to apply the pricing words/methods you describe in the context of the product defined as
“ Care Capacity (Demand Management) involves mapping the product ecosystem to specific product or acuity standards/outcomes to use the data for decision making to optimise time based resource allocation (similar/extension to the Maidsafe “ie. why did we over/underestimate” project method described by Nadia) …to create better “acuity” outcomes in the most financially efficient way i.e. CCDM DPER (Default progressive expenditure reduction efficiencies).
Some initial connection comments/thoughts
**On a simple level it would be great to have something that was part of the Safe Network App that enabled any file stored to be accessed by a client at a given price, optioned and determined by the owner of the data.”
Agree 100%. …. Solid describe this approach where owner of data via enable access by multiple software/clients so this functionality would seem to be core to any safe/solidonsafe network app to establish what I call a UIA or Universal Information Account i.e. the place on the net which we own and can’t be taken away
“ If it was done like this as an option on the network level it would take away the need for centralised sites to do the financial side of things (and consequently take away their ability to have control of the finances) and they could concentrate on aggregating the data in a way that was most appropriate or popular”
To create the level playing field/automatic price seeking/ true decentralised price seeking networks David describes, this pricing functionality would probably need to be inbuilt to the “Commons Data Council” care capacity product/Quality Business Operating System so they can concentrate as you say on enabling aggregating data on behalf of mutual members.
"Obviously there would have to be different models to choose from for different types of data/media (eg. per stream, per download etc.) but that’s not necessarily a big problem. Another problem would be to agree set prices for certain types of data, but this could be solved to some extent by search/aggregator apps warning of atypical prices, and setting spend limits.”
Looking at how this could apply to a CCD dWeb app build around an existing Care Capacity platform as an initial stepping stone so this is a key area for further discussion.
The obvious tech questions are … i. how do we incorporate this as part of the safenetwork app? If it’s a UX challenge I wondering if it could be a standard feature for example on a Solidonsafe app approach as part of a package including safedrive, git, dweb ii. Who has the technical expertise to dev this functionality?
Agree with your good stepping stone comment to some of the more ambitious things such as “following files around the web and charging for added value” (key process starting words to begin to underpin how an autonomous AI/continuously learning enhanced safenetwork could work?). So many thanks for your insights.