Safe Network Dev Update - November 12, 2020

Great vid! Brilliant just Brilliant, love the way this is going. Open the SAFE, close the SAFE. This is zen like Steve Jobs simplicity, so easy for new users to grasp. This is next level thinking, and will help to make the network go viral. My 80 year old mom would get it. Brilliant work!





Thank you for deeper a analysis, very interesting. Actually I havent thought about it like this yet…

Could be, or its communication of desire of being truly decentralized - not belonging to any country. This is probably the case with XMR. Others like XRP would like signal probably exactly what you say.


Thank you for another great update, team. I quite like the new terminology, it makes much sense and will certainly help adoption.


Upvote for the changes outlined by @jimcollinson and in particular the move away from coin.

If we want the privacy and freedom that the network affords us, then we may need to accept that this network will have no monetary value.


Hey Chris, a wee bit of sarcasm or a deeper philosophy :wink: I cannot see a way Safe has no monetary value, it seems intrinsic, at least today.


Zero sarcasm, when the ‘World Economic Forum’ states that “by the year 2030, you will own nothing and you will love it” I believe their intention. The gap between intention and reality, could be as short as 2 months…plain as day for those following world events. With the upmost respect, with your focus and workload, I would not expect you to be personally tuned into such happenings


Cheers Chris, I had not been watching that or read into the great reset etc. I do hope for a better future though and some way for us all to live better. Seems still like a pipe dream, but who knows?

Cheers anyway, I must start boxing training again just in case, barter-town :smiley: Better safe than sorry.


Might be true but you will still have to “pay” for things/services so Safe could still have monetary value.


Stored Data and Privacy have economic value and the network provides both.



It’s wise to factor that in, thanks for raising it.

I suppose the distributed (and eventually decentralized) nature of Safe makes it as resilient to such plans as a network not administered by state or corporate power could be. It’s reasonable to assume computing will remain, even if widespread PC ownership or even rental is rare, because technology is an essential element of the control grid.

Assuming such an environment as the fascist propaganda illustrates, I expect Safe to fare better than most/all of the competition and in that there’s value. I believe money will always have value between individuals, even if currency of state fraud doesn’t, because individuals can do useful things for each other, while pieces of paper won’t compel me to labor for a corporation’s plastic garbage.


We can’t even agree on local, state and area levels how to handle economic reform, climate change and other matters let alone a plan for individual countries or the world. The one thing that always remains true with “plans” like these is do as I say not as I do. None of these people will give up wealth or control and at least here in America, there is a better chance of a civil war then letting a government start to full reset and distribute wealth. Everyone should loosen the chin strap on their tin foil hats a couple notches.


If the SAFE Network token is needed as money, people will use it as money. If not, it will just be a token on the Network. It will have value either way. :racehorse:



This vision of no ownership by 2030 is the financial equivalent of a perpetual motion machine. Yes efficiency will get better and better but perfection is impossible. :racehorse:
Also people’s desires are infinite. You can give them everything they need but they will still want more. :racehorse:
If anyone on the planet is allowed to own anything, everyone else will want the right to own things too. :racehorse:
And if anyone is allowed any privacy at all, everyone else will want it. :racehorse:


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IMHO you’re underestimating how irrelevant that would be in the proposed paradigm.

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Without money as we currently know it, people will simply find another way to differentiate and exploit. Whatever that method is will become the new mechanism of exchange. You can try to tame it, but you can’t take the nature out of the human.


Gene Roddenberry did :wink: There is also a few projects that test this such as the Resource Based Economy | The Venus Project and I think perhaps seasteading. So I suppose we cannot know the future us and maybe we do look back and laugh at money forced labour and folk working at jobs they don’t love. At least we can dream :smiley: :smiley:

Although I agree @Sotros25 it seems humans and nature always try to find a way to get the max out for minimum in etc. (survival of the fittest etc.)


No matter how you slice it, "Safe Network Tokens’ will have value…I’m querying how that value is realized.

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Yes if value transcends money then it will be very interesting. So folk do stuff for the good of doing it, perhaps. Or maybe tokens are what money should have been, a mechanism of easy barter, but with no middleman.

btw @chrisfostertv I know it’s lazy of me, but what of tax in these discussions, you have seen? (by implication governments)


Great update! Loving all of this. Interesting how in plain site ‘Safe’ vs ‘Vault’ was and the funny thing is it’s a double entendre in that it’s a network of ‘Safes’ so a ‘Safe network’ and that SAFE is also an acronym. It’s beautifully simple and elegant.

Personally I quite like Safe Network Token as well.
Is anyone capable or willing to reserve XSN or similar variations that would be available as an ERC20 token with the networks max supply?

I do think Safe Network Token is a bit long but it is also perfectly descriptive. Like Jim said, some shorthand or slang will come about and that’s something we should think about.

On the Great Reset topic, when they say you won’t own anything I highly doubt they plan on taking your home or your cars etc away from anyone. Likely what they mean is it all will phase out much like music went from compact discs to mp3s to paying for a streaming service. It’s easier to rent, pay for Netflix, Spotify, zoom with someone than be a homeowner with rooms full of dvds and cd’s to lug around and have to drive your car you could Uber instead to fly miles to have a meeting you could have just done over zoom. It’s happening in front of us and has been for some time like the old boiling frog analogy. This sense of alarm kind of surprises me tbh. That said, I think the network will help facilitate in keeping that kind of world secure and honestly in the Safe Network their always will be ownership and value and they won’t be able to take that away from us.