Safe Network Dev Update - December 17, 2020



Don’t lie to ya sen next time, maybe you won’t be quite so angry.
We don’t do timelines or promises here.
So if your hurting, aim that hurt where its deserved, inwards.


#1 - learn how to spell
#2 - why would you want to convert?
#3 - how long before you crawl back under your bridge for another 3 years? :japanese_ogre:


Bunch of lunatics :smile:

Fannybaws - yer erse is oot ra windae

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The crazy people are only crazy until the network effect reaches its threshold. Any investment in this space made back in 2014 was risky and that still holds true today for most of the assets currently offered. If you bought then, you are well in profit but down from the highs. If you’re here you are checking progress. Progress is being made even though it surely isn’t what was promised way back then but the promising also stopped quite awhile ago. There’s still a lot of work left for a polished and fully featured product. The foundation is being laid though and it is looking solid so far. Set back after set back this team keeps going and so does the community because we want to see this vision fulfilled, not just filling our coffers. The grit and determination is admirable in my opinion. If you feel you lost out on opportunity and worried you’ll miss out on more then why not sell? On the other hand, why come here and criticize the people giving value to the token you hold?


You must be a believer, after 3 years. Or you are shitting yourself because you sold out and want back in cheap?

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That person is troubled and in need of a certain kind of care :wink: Nice solid xmas good spirit missing along with other large chunks of humanity. We meet them all, many times, sweaty wee kids with great big keyboards in their wee paws, all in all …

What I love though and find it really curious and sadly funny is these folk feel smart, powerful and clever. It’s like the parasite screaming at the moon and thinking it cares :smiley:


Why would people who are willing to abuse should be spared the abuse?

Don’t feed it.


You really insist on digging this hole deeper don’t you? I don’t feel smart, powerful or clever. I just feel entitled to my own opinion. Why shouldn’t I be able to voice it without being attack? I can be dissagreed with sure, but personal attacks?

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Anyone else get a strong whiff of cheese just then?

It’s like waiting for a bus and suddenly you’ve got two 3 year old smelly sock puppet accounts surfacing and replying to each other in a row!


Said the fly to the spider.

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Best way to combat the naysayers is to deliver, let their doubts feed the motivation to show them wrong. Isn’t that the biggest nerd “flop balls on table” move :laughing: ? Grind and deliver a fully functioning network meeting the goals of this network concept and then there can be no doubt. As Mr. Labeouf Said:


All true, but be very clear folks like this do not doubt, not in the slightest.

The long winter of 2015 during the re-write, perhaps late 2017 when we didn’t go on a tear like everyone else, then there’s the 2018/2019 Bittrex/Poloniex delistings, multiple scams, heck even 2020 when PARSEC took a back seat, all understandable points in time for less patient folk to ‘doubt’.

Very obvious tailwinds are approaching for this project. Posts like we saw are evidence the project is heading exactly where it must. More will come the closer we get, all part of the journey.


Without faith what hope is there. We will know one way or the other within a couple of years. The risk reward on Maid is too much to ignore. I wish I was in on the original ICO.

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I have personally been dreaming about a decentralized internet since the beginning of modern file sharing about 20 years ago. Years later, by chance, I came across the Safe network project, and was pleasantly surprised to find that other people with more skills than I have were thinking about and actually working on that very thing.

The state of the research has not always been communicated in the best possible way, but what has? Criticizing people researching the possibilities of decentralized communication is like criticizing people researching the atom. Business people along with military leaders can get frustrated when their goals of money or powerful weapons are not met quickly enough. The goal of the Safe network project is to make the world a better place. It’s about producing clean energy rather than atomic bombs. I hope it succeeds, and that the technology is not abused too much by those with more nefarious motives.

This is a multi-disciplinary research project involving computer science, mathematics, economics and ethics. It’s good research, regardless of whether it succeeds in ultimately creating a new Internet or not. And if money is made as a result, I hope that too is used well.

My dream does not have an expiration date. It’s not going anywhere, no matter how quickly or slowly it seems to be coming true.


Totally agree. No words can convince them. In return if the network is up and running as intended, nothing they say will defeat the tide. Years may have passed but the idea remains more relevant than before and fact is nobody has done it yet.

Now that BTC & Maidsafecoin price is up, I hope the team has some of those coins balance. Will @dirvine hire more engineers to increase the firepower?