If we find decent rust engineers then yes, particularly folk involved in the community as the motivation is taken care of then. We need to crawl all over our error handling etc. I am also keen to create a research team, not total research, but testing and adapting new findings to our network. Always on the look out but hiring is very time consuming, I prefer a suck it and see approach where possible.
Quality expansion that yields positive results quickly is really hard to do, hopefully the current core team has competencies in most necessary areas of the network concepts and a v1 can be made. Once that first hurdle is crossed then hopefully the market agrees something special was born here and smart expansion with high caliber team members that are experts across a number of topics relevant to this network can be brought in to complement the OG high caliber team already assembled, or even better yet the v1 of this network is so interesting some of the best and brightest in open source realize the potential and help contribute and grow it much like bitcoin core took off.
Heck I already see bright capable people in our forum, folks like Mav for instance. He probably is already too busy with his day job but maybe his MAID holdings one day will enable him to retire and put in some deeper time to the network and supporting elements for it vs sideline analysis . Happybeing is always tinkering with something interesting with SAFE. Nigel and his Jams project is very neat to see. DeusNexus writing an omni->erc20 MAID tooling shows some competency in working with crypto and API space and some front end magic. The beginnings of bright people working in the open source space or driving projects to SAFE are here if the hardest part of getting the core network out there initially can be done.
I am biased but the team that works is one with shared vision. Community aware devs just get it done. Very few code for cash folk do and we suffered in the past with that. The 7 hr per day X£ per hour guys are not what we want in the project, we can get away with a small number of really competent Engineers like that, but the absolute best is the shared vision Engineers. Plus they are so much easier to work with, especially if you are excited and driven to succeed.
This is our current path and with that we are trying to make it fun, yea fun to get to the code, fun to see community reaction to progress etc.
Never easy to build a team and honestly impossible to lead by pressure, much better to have the team all equal in the drive to launch more better stuff. So the drive for certain is finding folk who are genuinely interested in the logic and tech, but more interested in getting products into the hands of people.
Since this team wouldn’t be on the “critical path” so to speak, they could serve as a great resource for educating would-be developers on Safe. Right now it’s hard to have frequent AMA, Dev tutorials, office hours etc. without distracting from production. A research team could help to fulfill this function, which I think is necessary for growing the third party developer ecosystem. I’ve been tracking what different projects have been doing to seed adoption. Here’s an example:
I know we’re close but maybe still better to wait until a stable public testnet with the kinks worked out before Maidsafe considers new hires? Sounds like allocating time to hire is also hard. Wonder if any community members are actually interested in a position.
As we get closer to the finish line, I think we need to build a team of evangelists. As David mentioned they must be self motivated. We could start now and by the time we have Fleming we should good core group. I’m not sure we’d need to hire them right off but finding people from our community or the Rust community to really drive this idea to developers and the public is important for growth.
We as a community see the vision. We need to communicate this with the world. We need a means for this communication.
Roughly speaking how many engineers are working there at the mo?
Looks like a great team now, no major need to hire unless right person comes along well oiled machine. Keep it up.
I think we all on this forum are keen to say “Look at this!”. Some of us are placed so that they can start to talk to developers a bit before the finish line, others start to preach to end users a bit after the finish line.
I had a similar error, when trying to unlock a Safe, that was created during another session couple days ago:
~ % safe node run-baby-fleming
Storing nodes' generated data at /home/devel/.safe/node/baby-fleming-nodes
Launching local Safe network...
Launching with node executable from: /home/devel/.safe/node/sn_node
Network size: 11 nodes
Launching genesis node (#1)...
Genesis node contact info: [""]
Launching node #2...
Launching node #3...
Launching node #4...
Launching node #5...
Launching node #6...
Launching node #7...
Launching node #8...
Launching node #9...
Launching node #10...
Launching node #11...
~ % safe auth start
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (sn_authd)...
sn_authd started (PID: 1703)
~ % safe auth unlock
Sending action request to authd to unlock the Safe...
[2021-01-02T21:49:31Z ERROR safe] sn_cli error: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] ClientError - QuicP2P error: ReadExactError(FinishedEarly)
Seems to me like a low-level network (qp2p?) error, and I can’t reproduce it now with clean ~/.safe/node/baby-fleming-nodes
Any info on how I can check newly created Safe’s balance?
~ % safe auth create --test-coins
Sending request to authd to create a Safe...
Safe was created successfully!
~ % safe keys balance
Enter secret key corresponding to the SafeKey to query the balance from:
Is there any way to check the secret key? In earlier releases of baby-fleming the key was returned on account creation, if I remember correctly.
Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! Keep imagining!
I add the translation into Bulgarian in the first post
If this is an answer for my question, I still need a secret key. How can I get it?
When you create a SafeKey, you’ll get the secret key.
Please check this response, it was brought up also in that other thread: Testnet Changelog - December 24th, 2020 - #74 by bochaco