SAFE Network Client Testing Commences

Yes that will change to allow any u8 chars, please file reports. I meant to file that one actually


shall do after my initial site is made!

The PIN and KEYWORD are used to derive a hash. The hash is the address in the network that points to your personal file. The password is to de-crypt your personal file when it’s downloaded to your computer.


Yeah, keyword should probably be “Login name”? PIN is fairly intuitive for those people who use PIN codes to authorise payments with their bank cards, but people used to credit cards may be confused.

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Once you know your password will the pin and keyword ever be needed ?

Yes, to login again. Your computer should delete the local “personal file” as soon as possible.

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Good Work!!

Please, make a good explanation(tutorial) on how to configure proxysettings?

Yes, when you log off and want to log on tomorrow morning, your client needs to know where to find your personal file in the network. It won’t be stored on your computer for safety reasons ;-).


Could not upload neither file nor directory. When trying uploading files - all are greyed, impossible to choose. When uploading directory it starts doing something, shows progress indicator and then “private data” windows remains empty. MacOS 10.11.1

So pin and keyword gets your personal file and password opens it?


MAybe not easiest to spot, but all feedback appreciated.


This is potentially a significant turning point in the development of sentient life on Earth; as such I have, below, prepared a very brief statement along the lines of Neil Armstrong’s “one small step” (mis?)quote…



Password and again part of your pin. Right now uses PBKDFII but will switch to Bernstiens secure password in next week or so.

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Yes, that’s it. It’s quite amazing.


Please explain what todo with the .pac file

It depends on your browser / OS (this is testing so please bear with us). The info is at the bottom of this page Using SAFE Launcher


The mood in the shop must feels so good right now. Good work everyone.


Thank you to all the good people on Earth participating in this world changing project… I’m gonna go insane with this one.

Thank you so much Maidsafe devs for your hard work

Let’s test this baby :stuck_out_tongue:


It says on the website it’ll be 100 nodes. I’m just wondering which is correct: 50 nodes or 100 nodes. Seems one of the announcement articles needs to be corrected.

And more importantly HOW DO WE INSTALL THIS STUFF ON LINUX!? Omg omg omg i want it! I’m on Fedora (I also have Ubuntu on my laptop to work with gah!) to be precise but there’s no install instructions for Linux! Just Mac and Windows. Or if there is I can’t find it. Guess I’ll have to reboot into Windows to download it.

I’m sorry, I figure it out later

Keep up the amazing work

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