## Harmen Klink
#### In this Episode
We’re back again with Harmen Klink, talking about further innovations on the Decorum decentralized forum and social connection protocol. We talk about a web of trust function which will make the protocol very handy at evaluating one’s connections and resisting unwanted connections. Also we talk about the Project Decorum crowdsale, and the value proposition behind it. And much more.
The design of the SAFE Network presents challenges due to its security model, but it also presents opportunities to view things differently and accomplish things which are brand new.
#### Magic Word
Listen for the magic word, and submit it to your LetsTalkBitcoin.com account to claim a share of this week’s listener award distribution of LTBcoin. Listeners now have a full week from the release date to submit a magic word. The magic word for this episode must be submitted by 8 am Pacific Time on April 19, 2016.
#### Music
Music for this episode: *Safe Crossroads,* *Magic Words* and *She,* original pieces composed and performed by Nicholas Koteskey of Two Faced Heroes
#### Links
- Project Decorum website
- SAFE Network forum thread on Decorum Project
- On Creating SAFE Altcoins
- Harmen’s handle on the SAFE Network Forum is @Seneca. Contact him there find his direct email in the Purchase Agreement for the Project Decorum Crowdsale
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.safecrossroads.net/podcasts/safe-crossroads-podcast-31/
Great listening John ! but that was a BIG tease you lead with at the beginning, ref. today’s dev update… expectations have risen !
No vaults in todays update
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Oops!! Well, I did put in disclaimers. Couldn’t bear the idea of putting out a podcast and not including mention if it had happened.
You did say if not, then soon! I think that will hold true.