“A Global Economy Requires a Global Currency” Paul Volker
“One World Currency can cure the economic downfall.”
They used to meet at Bretton Woods
They have a dead line: 2024
If you think of austerity and the TPP and what is driving all of this seemingly irrational behavior it starts to fit together especially when considering the less advertised aspects of the power a global e currency and a GMU would create. It goes way way beyond a reserve currency and has some completely terrifying implications: https://forum.autonomi.community/t/banker-backed-bitcoin-as-exclusive-global-currency/5573/2
They have a Global Central Bank: The Global Resource Bank
The Global Resource Bank is a direct democratic institution owned by everyone. As a global central bank it issues a global ecocredit currency that values the production, distribution and recycling of her ecoproduct wealth http://www.singleglobalcurrency.org/related.html
They have a currency name "New Bancor" or Bancor
They used to think energy was the ideal currency and it may still have a fundamental link but now ti seems it will be a a big 9 Bank developed Bitcoin. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/29/banks-blockchain-idUSL5N11Z2QE20150929
They have a book:
From its back cover:
“In a 3-G WORLD with a SINGLE GLOBAL CURRENCY managed by a GLOBAL CENTRAL BANK within a GLOBAL MONETARY UNION: • Annual transaction costs of $400 billion will be eliminated; • Worldwide asset values will increase by about $36 trillion; • Worldwide GDP will increase by about $9 trillion; • Global trade will increase; • Global currency imbalances—Balance of Payments—will be eliminated; • Currency crises will be prevented; • Currency speculation will be eliminated; • The need for foreign exchange reserves will be eliminated.”
From its contents:
3-G world (a Single Global Currency managed by a Global Central Bank in a Global Monetary Union)
Notice the firm name R3 kind of goes along with G-3 .
It will allow not competitors- its singular.
The single currency idea does not allow for other currencies or alternatives or even other equivalent forms like cash. It won’t allow for SAFE coin, its a dominator currency. Your alternative would be barter, but good luck. Centralization is what global banking is about and its their next step its totally obvious to them.