+1 for Safe Launcher. “Launcher” is already well established to connect to a network like in online gaming:
- Lol launcher
- Blizzard launcher
- Eve launcher
- etc.
“Yo, how do you get on SAFE?”
“Just get the SAFE Launcher!”
Joe public would understand.
+1 for Safe Launcher. “Launcher” is already well established to connect to a network like in online gaming:
“Yo, how do you get on SAFE?”
“Just get the SAFE Launcher!”
Joe public would understand.
+1 for Safe Launcher
+1 for Safe Launcher
and @Shona I also like the UI design, can’t wait to use it
+1 for “SAFE Start”
Now the negative aspect to this: Multiple log ins for every app means constantly moving around safecoin between different accounts.
What a pain in the ass, that probably can not be easily automated
Personally, i like Launcher, a positive word…a bit like Explorer. Exciting stuff.
Mark it’d be great to have your input in this. I’d very much like that. I think a voice-chat might be better than plain text to discuss UX. Do you by any chance have mumble setup? If so we can setup a suitable time to catchup and iterate in intervals during this phase of the project.
I like SAFE Launcher
Thank you for all of the work you are doing.
Okay, rework edit:
(Altruistic Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Application Intranet, Application Interface…so many inferences)
SAFE Start isn’t bad either.
I like SAFE Start, except the “SS” part.
MAID Client
The MAID Client will connect you to the SAFE network. It’s the gateway to the SAFEnet and when you run the app for the first time you’ll be asked to provide a PIN, username and password. Please make sure to store these in a very secure place, it’s the only way for you to access your data again. Click on one of the links below for the installer…
Windows 32bit-installer.exe
Windows 64bit-installer.exe
Mac OSX installer
Ubuntu Linux packet
Debian Linux packet
For the mobile Android versions please go to the Google Play store using this link.
Does anyone have any video or new pictures of the safe launcher in action?
It has been pulled to “Next” on github so anyone can build it, but I haven’t figured out how to get it to start yet!
Just a couple thoughts.
in Windows I’m not sure if its possible to launch a process as another account (you can launch threads in other processes virtual memory space, so its probably possible).
I believe runas.exe does this in Windows?
For instance, a malicious app could always be a keylogger,
A malicious SAFE App could be a keylogger, yes?
Do these clients still exist?
No, I just gave imagination a go to find out how it could sound. I think quite cool
How about SAFE GATE: SAFE = Secure. Access. For. Everyone , GATE = Global. Authenticator. To. Enter
or something similiar
Very nice.
Definitely makes it clear that it is the ONE n only official entryway into safe.
So good choice of words, with that one.
Some of you guys from this thread follow the UI Design work going into the launcher submodule, if you havent been following JIRA, you’d probably have missed some of the transitions @Scott has come up with for the UI. Thought I’ll just share a sample here
More to follow
very nice, the little rocket is taking off!!!
one small animation speaks louder than a thousand lines of code (to me at least)
is there a way to have the safecoin logo in there too? behind the rocket is this grey
hexagon anyway…