Risk of Safecoin making the SAFE network fragile

Looking over the posts so far, I think something is being overlooked, or misweighted.

Safecoin is conceived as the OIL of the network, not the fuel.

The purpose and main drive for the SAFE Network is Secure Access For Everyone, with Privacy, Security and Freedom at the center of its design.

The strain on anyone running a vault is very minimal, and mostly needed to access the network, so it’s not like you’ll go in debt to finance huge server farms to run lots of vaults. If you did that I think it would likely be unprofitable.

Tor is “popular” but very limited in the number of people who are willing to run nodes, so it has a lot of slowness, vulnerability, etc.

The point is that safecoin is an incentive which reduces friction, not one that motivates the project overall. Nobody is going to get rich farming safecoin. Safecoin riches may come to crowdsale purchasers who got a lot of it then. We’ll see. But anyone else that gets rich in safecoin will have to earn it by providing products and services that are fabulously popular.

The “get rich” paradigm has skewed economic thought in the crypto-currency realm. But safecoin is a very different critter and, while I think it will see fabulous increases in value, I don’t think it poses a threat to the network.

If it should plummet in value, people will still want to use the network if the network is good. If it’s not, it will die because it’s not good and effective, not because of the price of safecoin.