RFC 0061A - Safe Network Token Distribution (Dogmatic Edition)

Interesting that you saw 10% of the total tokens as the important part when speaking your mind.

Two very valid views come from this is that:-

MAID represents ~10.5% of the 2^32 which is breaking the original plan and that the foundation must give up some of its stated amount to account for it breaking the (not-actually) financial prospectus.


MAID represents 10% of the tokens, keeping to the 10%, and increase the max supply which breaks the max supply from the paper.

Remember the white paper was just that a white paper, not a financial promotion or prospectus. As a white paper it described a plan for a project and talked about the idea of a place holder coin and concept of how it would work. It was not a contract, prospectus, legal document, contract, or such thing.

So Maidsafe was between a rock and a hard place where a decision had to made as to which to keep, the 2^32 and the problems it creates or the 10% of max supply and the problems it creates. Because years has past and the markets have set a value and worked with the 10.5% of 2^32 existing and knowing this is 10% of SNT I guess Maidsafe choose the simpler route to take which the markets already adjusted to. To revert back to the letter of a plan (not contract, not prospectus, not legal document) would then mean the markets will readjust again and maybe give up. While keeping to 10% will prob see markets react, it will not be as much since that is the info they worked on anyhow for years.

[EDIT: @davidpbrown Just read way up in the other thread you asked for a tl;dr The above may help a tad.]