This thread is a proposed revision of RFC 0061 based on one community member’s review of both the original Project Safe Whitepaper, RFC 0061, and a variety of discussions held on this forum between MaidSafe and The Safe Network community over the past 8 years.
The majority of the text is unchanged from that provided in RFC 0061, but there are in fact notable changes. Some of the revisions may be very subtle. If you care about this, please read carefully when comparing differences to prior proposals. Much of the rationale for these changes have been discussed in the original RFC 0061 thread, but this thread can be used to continue the discussion if desired.
Safe Network Token Distribution
- Status: Proposed
- Type: White Paper
- Related to: Safe Network Tokens, DBCs, Governance, Nodes and Farming, MaidSafeCoin
- Start Date: 22 Jan 2023
- Discussion:
- Supersedes: This proposal supersedes, in part, the original Project Safe White Paper
This RFC sets out how the Network’s utility tokens will be distributed at the inception of the Network, and how they are made available to contributors over time.
- The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 .
The Safe Network has a utility token which allows for the exchange of storage, bandwidth and compute resource between node operators and users wishing to store data on the Network. These are Safe Network Tokens (SNT).
They also act as a means to fund and reward other contributions that provide utility and value to people who use the Network, and wider society, such as open source software development, sites, services, and publicly accessible data.
This paper sets out how these tokens will be distributed, and how they are made available to contributors.
Detailed design
Genesis Supply
At the inception of the Network a Total Supply of 4,294,967,296 whole SNT will be issued. This ensures that the originally promised maximum upper limit of 232 whole tokens cannot change over the life of the network.
Subunits & Divisibility
At network genesis, each whole SNT will be subdivided into no less than 1 billion parts (109). This shall create a minimum of 4,294,967,296,000,000,000 available currency subunits. As development of the network continues from the present into the future, this level of divisibility will be reassessed from time to time to determine if it is economically necessary and/or technically feasible to split each subunit into additional parts. If a decision is made to increase the number of total currency subunits, it will occur in multiples of 1000 to yield a total subunit count which represents a single whole SNT ranging from 109 to 1012, then 1015, 1018, 1021 and so on up to an absolute maximum of 1066.
Data Payments
Users wishing to store data on the Network, or edit existing data, pay the Network to do so in Safe Network Tokens. A Data Payment is made upfront and there are no ongoing costs to maintain data on the Network after this payment—content is made perpetually available after this one-time fee.
These Data Payment fees are immediately redistributed by the Network as follows:
- 85% is paid to qualifying node operators as a Resource Supply Reward
- 15% is remitted as Network Royalties
As literally interpreted in the original Project Safe Whitepaper, remittances of Network Royalties will be initially subdivided as follows:
- 5% of Network Royalties will be focused on Core Protocol Development. This will support the global team esponsible for continuous improvement of the core network protocols and features.
- 10% of Network Royalties will be set aside to support an Automated Direct Distribution system for Resource Supply Rewards and Network Royalties that is autonomously administered by the Network itself.
- The remaining 85% of remitted Network Royalties will be managed by the Safe Network Foundation, a Swiss Non-profit corporation, to fulfill its other objectives such as Public Data Accessibility and Governance. This portion may be reduced to the absolute minimum required to satisfy administration and compliance requirements if the development of a fully automated rewards system comes to fruition.
Resource Supply Rewards
Nodes provide data storage, bandwidth, and compute resources to the Network.
If a Node reliably and verifiably stores the data they are entrusted over an extended period, and serves it a timely manner when requested, they qualify to receive Resource Supply Rewards through virtue of meeting the required Node Age.
Resource Supply Rewards are automatically distributed by the Network to the operators of these nodes when a Data Payment is received by the Network Section in which they reside.
Network Royalties
Network Royalties are a mechanism through which software development, services, and data which provide value to people that use the Network, benefit wider society, and meet the objectives of the project, can be can be meaningfully rewarded and sustainably funded.
Network Royalties are paid in support of the following areas:
Core Protocol Development
Individuals, teams, and businesses that support, research, design, develop, and maintain the open source software protocol of the Network and enable its ongoing operation, enhancement and security can become eligible for Network Royalties via the Foundation’s Developer Program.
Client Application and Service Development
Operators and developers of software applications, platforms, sites, and services, that run on, provide utility to, and are freely available to users of the Network can become eligible for Network Royalties via the Foundation’s Developer Program.
Public Data Accessibility
Creators, publishers, and curators of data that is made publicly and freely available for the common good, can become eligible for Network Royalties via the Foundation’s Data Commons Program.
Governance and Administration
In order to provide adequate, sustainable and transparent governance to the Network and provide the required administration of the Developer and Data Commons programs, Network Royalties will also be used to cover the costs associated with the operation and work of the Foundation, and the distribution of Royalties.
Distribution of Royalties
In accordance with the needs of the Network, and its ability to meet its objectives, the Foundation will oversee the distribution of Royalties via the Developer and Data Commons Programs, through the following methods:
Grant Making
Royalties may be paid in the form of grants to fund new areas of research, prospective development of software, services, or other activities.
Participants in the Developer and Data Commons Programs may also be rewarded inline with the utility and value of their contributions, endeavors, services, to the users of the Network and the project’s objectives in a given period. This may be in the form of one-off payments or regularized on-going funding such as a Service Level Agreements (SLA).
Ad Hoc Payments
The Foundation may also make ad hoc payments to meet specific genesis token obligations in accordance with the original Project Safe Whitepaper, to fulfill the stated objectives of the Foundation, to remit its governance and regulatory obligations, and to cover its costs for administering and distributing Network Royalties.
Grants, Rewards, and Ad Hoc payments will be made from the Network Royalties Pool, with any unspent or unclaimed funds returned to the pool for further distribution.
Automated Direct Distribution
It is an aspiration that the Network have the ability to automatically distribute Royalties, reducing both the time for recipients to be paid and the costs associated with administration. Autonomous distribution is subject to ongoing research for protocol development.
It is assumed that automatically distributed Network Royalties would be paid by the Network from Data payments directly at source, without entering the Network Royalty Pool.
Initial Token Distribution
The genesis supply of SNT at the official launch of the Network will be distributed as follows:
MaidSafeCoin Holders
MaidSafeCoin is a proxy token, issued as part of a crowd-sale in April of 2014, that offered an immediate utility to the broader Safe Network Community as a branded Omnilayer based cryptocurrency embedded within the Bitcoin blockchain. This “colored Bitcoin” has been used as a general medium of exchange to support community sponsored activities and helped support long term development of the Network by core developers. Buyers that pre-purchased Safe Network Tokens in this manner were promised a 1:1 exchange rate with the Network’s native token at a time when it was demonstrated to be as stable and data secure.
An allocation of 429,496,729 SNT will be exchanged for the same quantity of MaidSafeCoin tokens Tokens will be distributed to MaidSafeCoin holders in a technically feasible manner (ex. airdrop, key signature proofs, burn address etc.), where the owner of any MaidSafeCoin will receive the same quantity of SNT at a 1:1 ratio.
This represents 10% of the total supply.
MaidSafe Shareholders
Each company share of Limited will entitle the bearer to 105.822 SNT, resulting in shareholders being allocated 214,748,364 SNT. Tokens will be paid out to shareholders in three installments over the period of a year following the launch of the Network. Any unclaimed shareholder funds will be held by the Foundation indefinitely.
This represents 5% of the total supply.
Network Royalties Pool
Out of the Genesis Supply, 644,245,094 SNT will be allocated to a Network Royalty Pool and distributed as Network Royalties.
Upon official launch of the Network, 1/3 of the initial Network Royalties pool will be used to meet core network development obligations promised in the original Project Safe Whitepaper, and to correct for a technical error that occurred in 2014 during the creation of MaidSafeCoins. All obligations to be satisfied via Ad Hoc Genesis Payments sum to 214,748,364 tokens (equal to 5% of total supply). In particular, they consist of the following three payment classes:
- A sum of 23,055,683 tokens will be used to correct the MaidSafeCoin overmint error that occurred in 2014. These tokens will also be exchanged 1:1 with MaidSafeCoin or eMaid following the same procedure and timing used to deliver SNT for all other MaidSafeCoin holders.**
- A sum of tokens worth $100k at fair market value will be distributed to those who worked on early project coordination and the Project Safe Whitepaper prior to its publication in 2014.
- After fulfilling payment classes 1 and 2, the remaining tokens set aside for Ad Hoc Genesis Payments (but not more than 191,692,681 tokens) will be delivered to members of the core development team based on their relative contributions to Safe Network Development. An objective and standardized metric will be used to determine the token value of individual contributions.
Footnote: The maximum total number of MaidSafecoin and/or eMaid that will be exchanged for Safe Network tokens is 452,552,412. This is equal to the sum of 429,496,729 primary tokens and 23,055,683 overmint tokens described above. In totality, all SNT tokens to be exchanged for MaidSafecoin and/or eMaid represent 10.5368069373% of the total SNT supply. The eMaid tokens are those Omnilayer based MaidSafecoin which have been immutably transferred from the Bitcoin blockchain to the Ethereum blockchain at the sole discretion and decision the individual coin owners/holders.)
After fulfillment of core network development obligations, the remaining tokens in the Network Royalties Pool (equal to 10% of total supply) will either be managed by the Foundation and/or distributed according to a Network automated rewards protocol to reward Safe Network Core Protocol Development, Client Application Development, Service Development, Public Data Accessibility, and cover the cost of Foundation Governance and Administration.
The Network Royalties Pool (including initial Ad Hoc Genesis payments issued therefrom) represents 15% of the total supply.
Resource Tokens
The remaining 3,006,477,109 SNT from the Genesis Supply will be distributed by the Network to contributors—such as those uploading data or Resource Suppliers— in an automated way, over an extended period, corresponding to the rate of Network growth as measured by the volume of data stored by its nodes.
This represents the remaining 70% of the total supply.
It is assumed that this process, which is subject to further research and development, will be in place for the inception of the Network. If it is not, the Foundation will hold these funds until such time as it is complete.
Should the Foundation board subsequently deem that this proposal is not a technically feasible and adequately secure way to distribute the Resource Tokens, then they shall be distributed to MaidSafeCoin Holders, MaidSafe Shareholders and to the Network Royalties pool in the same proportion as the initial distribution, over an extended period.
There are drawbacks to a foundation overseeing and handling any size of fund, namely:
- Security implications of holding tokens
- Costs associated with administration
- The centralising effects of doing so
While these deserve to be highlighted and discussed, they can also be mitigated through due consideration to appropriate governance and through the development of automated distribution processes as noted in this paper.
Remaining Token Distribution Proposal
An alternative that was considered, which combined the two as yet unresolved aims, involved 30% of the Total Supply being issued as the Genesis Supply, and then the remaining 70% being issued and distributed by the Network over time, at a rate proportional to the growth of data on the Network.
While it would allow for both the gradual and controlled issuance of the remaining tokens without the need for the Foundation as a custodian, it does have increased complexity, and more significant security challenges associated with sections being tasked with issuing new tokens.
Resource Supply Rewards
Note that the term Resource Supply Rewards is an alternative name for what was previously called Farming Rewards. This reflects advice to use more precise terminology to describe the economic mechanism.
Unresolved Questions
With Regard to Subunits
As we are currently finalising the design of the Digital Bearer Certificates (DBC) system, the exact number of sub-units may be increased to provide further divisibility. This is subject to the results performance testing and security analysis.
With Regard to MaidSafe Shareholder Payouts
- We are yet to define precisely what event constitutes the “launch” of the Network, thus triggering the process of Shareholder Payouts.
- We are yet to determine if there is a requirement for the Foundation to hold any unclaimed shareholder funds indefinitely, or if it can be time limited.
With Regard to the Remaining Tokens
Under the proposal described, it is still a matter of research and development to combine the two aims of A) gradual release of the Remaining Tokens, while at the same time B) having the tokens be in the custody of the Network. This is a challenge due to the limitations of doing a one time issuance of Total Supply.
Subject to Forthcoming Papers
The Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organisation incorporated to support the security, privacy, and sovereignty of personal data and communications, the resilience and global accessibility of public data, the pursuit of a free and open Internet for the public good, and the ability of individuals and businesses to trade goods and services online without the need for middlemen, through the promotion and stewardship of the Safe Network protocol, it’s ecosystem, and related distributed ledger and computing technology
The Foundation’s governance structure, Developer Program, and Data Commons Program will be addressed in forthcoming papers via the RFC process, along with those detailing the specifics of the technical design of Safe Network Token and DBC system.