Raspberry Pi SAFE Thread

Remove if not appropriate… but i’d love just 1 thread on Pi and ARM devices.
I’m running a node on an ubuntu machine, but would love to get one up and running on my little pi box that has a red flashing light.

this screen shot from the IT crowd is a little more realistic with the SAFENet.

So, if you’ve got it up and running on a pi - please write down instructions here. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

EDIT: Putting the following at top of thread for us raspberry pi heads.

Compile and install instructions for raspberry pi using @happybeing amazing scripts.

  1. git clone GitHub - happybeing/safenetwork-farming: SAFE Network (Test) Farming
  2. from the ubuntu-build subdirectory run
    • setup.sh
    • build.sh

When prompted in the rust installer select the following,
(2) Custom installation
When prompted for default host triple: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
When prompted for default tool chain: nightly
When prompted for profile: complete
When prompted for update path: y

I prefer to install rust before running happybeings scripts.

curl --proto ‘=https’ --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Then follow the rust instructions above. Close and open a new terminal before running
happy beings setup.sh and build.sh scripts. When prompted for the rust install just
select option 3 to skip as you have already done this.


I have OrangePi PC with 64bit Armbian, so I wasnt able to use the precompiled binaries. I used the compile/install script from here
GitHub - happybeing/safenetwork-farming: SAFE Network (Test) Farming
and then the testnet config from the testnet thread. Everything looks fine, node runs, but it needs little bit of patience, compilation took 87 minutes :smiley:


Just a note that there is a Ubuntu release for Raspberry Pi if that’s what you are most comfortable with


Thanks for the tip, it’s just that the pi runs on an arm chip that’s the issue.


Check out the scripts below which include Raspberry Pi. They are fairly up to date, so there’s a good chance they will work. I’ll be trying them again soon, but if you have time give it a try and let me know how you get on.


I was able to get this up and running on the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B running Raspbian 10, with two minor issues. After cloning your repo, I ran setup.sh then build.sh

Issue 1:

(this was due to a previous installation, lines were left over in bashrc. Didn’t realize until looking into it further)

Issue 2:

The command safe networks switch shared-section returns an error:

Error: Format of the contacts addresses is not valid and couldn't be parsed

Caused by: invalid type: string "", expected a sequence at line 1 column 17

(this error is present via the CLI or when running test-auth.sh. Probably the quotes around the IP.)

After joining it to the testnet, I’m still seeing timeouts with the safe auth create --test-coins but that is for another thread…

Thank you to @happybeing and everyone who put this together, it’s great to be able to run this on rPi now!


I managed to cross compile pretty easily. Something I have never done so I feel like Obi Wan Kenobi right now… :partying_face:

What I am not clear on is after creating the directory and moving the binaries to pi do I have to set a PATH to the cli?

I have no idea what to do there, can a kind soul please ELI5.


Back in june 2020 I used @happybeing 's scripts to compile and install from source on the pi4, and at this time it was a breeze :

I didn’t try recently, but I definetely will once testnet v2 is published by the team.

I have a couple of 3B+, it does not work on them.

If you use the musl target for arm then it should work on the all. aarch64-unknown-linux-musl

[i.e. these are not the hardware floats you are looking for (waves 3 fingers slowly through the air) :wink: ]


The problem I had and I tried several times… the pi would crash at 398/407 in the build.
I am just about to get pi4’s instead seeing as nobody using Mark’s scripts have any issues on them.

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I did it… watch out Maidsafe I am coming for ya. :grin::joy:


@Savage Was there anything major you needed to change to get it working on the 3B+? Was it just overheating while compiling or something like that?

I dont really know. It would freeze and not recover so I could not see any errors.
I compiled on my pc instead.

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When I was compiling Safe on OprangePi I had to configure bigger SWAP file otherwise it died on not enough RAM space. Try watching top in another window during compile.

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I was guessing this. Pi3B+ has 1GB RAM whereas 4 is 2GB minimum I believe?
Any assumptions however are way past my pay grade, I shoot from the hip and hope for the best.


Thanks for all your help.

Raspberry Pi 4, 8GB

uname -m gave me aarch64

so… i’ll have to reconfirm these notes on a clean droplet but these are some unorganized
notes I jotted down that might help others.

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu (I think I had to do this instead of the rustup command later)
curl --proto ‘=https’ --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source ~/.cargo/env
rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
rustup target add aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc

~/.cargo$ cat config
rustflags = [ “-C”, “target-feature=+crt-static”, “-C”,“link-arg=-lgcc” ]

Then use the following in each repo checked out from maidsafe

CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc cargo build --release --target=aarch64-unknown-linux-musl


Problem solved, thank you.
@happybeing’s install scripts are working like a charm and pi #2 is chugging along nicely.

I am happy that I learned to cross compile though. It is painstakingly slow on the pi.


Mine is - finally - online !
So glad :smiley: