Quick Update on ERC20 MAID

Was it said for certain that it would be a wrapped token? I don’t remember there being a 100% certainty on that. Seems like it’d be a good idea to not just assume it’s a wrapped token with a bridge.

Probably also good to assume that in todays landscape there very well may be KYC/AML but also to remember that if that would be the case that the point is that the converted ERC MAID would be available on DEX’s for purchase without the need for KYC/AML.

In any scenario with KYC/AML it would only affect if you wanted to convert MAID to ERC20. If people are looking to add to their bags without those barriers then all good.

I’m impartial to any implementation regardless because anything is better than what’s available now. P2PB2B is currently best option and that’s just not enough and unfortunately still incredibly low volume. Hoping the DEX’s help with that.


May I kindly ask if any updates on ERC20 Maid? Thanks


I doubt theres owt to update since the last update.
Have a read back through the thread.

Its not that long, as yet.


The pilot test is successfully underway. More news to come in the next few weeks.


Is there a FAQ now?

After a successful Pilot Test, a handful of community members now hold eMAID! eMAID is the ERC20 version of MaidSafeCoin. Checkout the transaction details, and track the total number of eMAID in existence too.

These existing and all future eMAID will be redeemable 1:1 for Safe Network Tokens when the Network launches. To mint these eMAID, the pilot testers burnt the equivalent number of OMNI MAID, which means that the total supply of MAID (I.e. OMNI + ERC20) has not increased. This same principle applies for the minting of all eMAID.

Stay tuned for an upcoming post opening up the opportunity to participate in the Beta Test!

Once the Beta Test is complete the FAQ, which is currently WIP, will be finalized and publicly shared.


First!!! Thanks for the update.

Wow. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Thank you for making what seemed impossible just 1 pandemic ago become reality.

Really amazing



Wow great work thanks to you and all who helped make this possible! :slight_smile:


Great news, and thanks again!


These existing and all future eMAID will be redeemable 1:1 for Safe Network Tokens when the Network launches

Will it be a direct eMAID → Safe Network Tokens conversion, or will it require eMAID → oMAID → Safe Network Tokens?

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I was a pilot tester, can confirm direct eMAID to SNT. There is no way of going back to omni once converted.


Cool thanks.

I was going to ask whether MaidSafe is willing to support other L1 tokenizations, but having ERC20 already means one can more easily setup 2-way bridges to other blockchains (for low-carbon, low-fee trading).


Trading is one thing. Holding something else - with the high ETH fees, people from the third world can forget about eMAID even if they want to hold it. For this reason, I will personally bring liquidity to PulseX :eth:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Does this confirmation official ? (eMaid->SNT)

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I am not sure that I understand the question, are you asking if the conversion is officially supported by Maidsafe?


yea I think @bridge is asking if eMaid is directly redeemable for the real safe network tokens on launch without going back to Omni Maid


Yeap, I cant find that contents at the official updates, am I missing ?

Im sure there will be an official announcement in time. It is not fully live yet.


Thanks, I will wait :slight_smile:

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Only thing I have heard was an off the cuff comment by David saying he thinks it should only be omni MAID to keep it simple.

But saying that there has been plenty of water under the bridge and may not be the official thoughts on the matter.

As @Josh says we will have to wait till the time is a lot closer and an official statement is made.