I was just thinking more about this kind of “public reserve” for the Public IDs based on single dictionary words and collections of well-known common proper names (priscilla, elvis, troon, boston, sydney, etc)…
It would appear that proceeding in the same manner that things are handled on alpha 2, the dictionary based system I suggested would mean that you could never have anything like:
Since hotdog, hot, not, and dog are all reserved by the system due to being single words in the english dictionary they would use the root addresses safe://hotdog, safe://hot, safe://not, or safe://dog as the location for the hypothetical MaidSafe Foundation “public reserve” information.
However, you could have :
safe://hotdog.nothotdog or safe://hotdog.not-hotdog
Since nothotdog is not-in-a-dictionary and would be a valid Public ID for someone to claim. This situation would fit fine with the way the webhosting manager is working now and so individuals would choose where they end up in the public “safe unified directory organizer” or SUDO (linux copycat but sounds better than SUDS for now until there is a better moniker) when they type in the name of their “service”. However it would likely mean that people would need to use weird spelling, l33t speech, @ symbols, or hyphenated multi-word publicIDs in order for things to be valid. Although this will not likely be an issue considering some of the user names on this forum.
Maybe the MaidSafe Foundation would be in control of the dictionary based sites at first, providing an initial wiki type page with multisig keys that would allow the community to manage those domains much like the Wikimedia Foundation does with wiki pages etc. Maybe not. I think there are a lot of different options though that could make sense…
Some of this would address the concerns posted here.
(Apologies for the pied piper joke references.)