Hey guys, previously I had burned some eMAID from my address a long time ago (over year ago). It’s around 1 eMAID. Would it be an issue for my current eMAID holdings? Will it still accept my new burn as seperate airdrop to my wallet address? Or should I transfer it to new address and then burn from that one?
Just confirmed: you are all good. No need to transfer out.
To connect MetaMask with your Ledger hardware wallet, follow these steps:
1. Install MetaMask
If you haven’t already, install MetaMask on your browser:
- Download: https://metamask.io/
- Set up a new wallet or log in with an existing MetaMask account.
2. Install Ethereum App on Ledger
- Open Ledger Live on your PC.
- Go to Manager and install the Ethereum app if not already installed.
3. Connect Ledger to MetaMask
- Plug in your Ledger and unlock it.
- Open the Ethereum app on the Ledger device.
- In MetaMask, click your profile icon (top right).
- Select Connect Hardware Wallet.
- Choose Ledger and click Continue.
4. Enable Contract Data & Blind Signing
For DeFi apps (like Uniswap) to work:
- Open Ethereum app on Ledger.
- Go to Settings → Blind Signing → Enable.
5. Select Ledger Address in MetaMask
- MetaMask will show multiple Ledger-derived addresses.
- Choose one and click Unlock.
- Now, this Ledger address is available in MetaMask.
6. Use MetaMask with Ledger
- When sending transactions, MetaMask will ask you to confirm on your Ledger.
- Always verify addresses & transaction details before confirming.
This setup allows you to use MetaMask as an interface while keeping private keys secure on your Ledger.
Until this running nodes thing came along I never knew that there was a thing called Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet.
And now we move to Abitrum One.
Now, in terms of functionality, can anyone explain to me why Ethereum on Abritrum One has value, but not on Arbritrum Sepolia? I realise its because the Ethereum has been mined but are there any other reasons apart from “because it does”?
In a quiet moment, I just started thinking how ridculous Ethereum and purposeless coins are.
Sepolia is a test network. No real ETH is used.
Yes, if the native token will be live till 3rd. February 2028
Should the following currently say “Do Not Send to This Address Until The Announcement”?
Also, it might be a good idea to add screenshots to graphically illustrate the Omniwallet walkthrough as well.
@rusty.spork @JimCollinson Check the reply above.
resolved, thank you!
Yeah I know that. But they are still basically the same thing.
Define real.
If I send from my Ledger ETH wallet, and I get ANT in return, will I be able to see my ANT on my Ledger Live in my Ethereum wallet like I can with my ERC20 eMAID, or because it is on Arb One I won’t be able to see them anywhere but Metamask?
If Arbitrium one is on ledger, as it is, what’s the connection to metamask Compatible Wallets | Autonomi needed for?
Is any information collected by type form? Who owns them? What guarantees do they give?
Yes I was about to ask as well. They could very well be keeping a full copy of the form for how long? Plus typeform’s web server is almost certainly retaining IP address info, is that being linked?
If I put up a web page, I can then go and look at the webserver’s logs and get info like IP address, browser Info, URI, for each access to the web page.
Do we know typeform’s privacy claims
Even if these look sound they cannot be relied upon. The norm is to break the law here because enforcement is negligible and penalties insignificant. I follow people doing detailed research on this and the situation is staggeringly bad.
I despair at how a privacy project is continually driving people to expose sensitive personal data in so many ways.
We did select typeform after assessing the alternatives and balancing risks.
Note that there is no direct personally identifiable information within the submission, so it should be considered pseudonymous, and the Foundation does not collect nor process it with any other personal data, nor do they have access to any other sources such as IP addresses etc
Once the network is running, will it be possible for Autonomi to host their own form on the network to allow transition within the need for using Typeform?
Would be a nice option to have… all people would need is sufficient ANT to submit the form data, then they can claim their tokens.
Also, would it be that hard for the foundation to have their own web form? Surely not a big technical challenge?
This would probably need to be administered by someone (time/money), also formal and legal standards should be applied and documented to keep the level of privacy that Typeform offers.