The CLI uses --node_path vs --node-path when using the safe node bin-version.
Also what is the purpose of giving --keyurl in safe keys balance, safe wallet create and safe wallet insert if you always have to provide the --sk and actually can leave the --keyurl away in its totality?
The SafeKey’s safe://xor-url to verify it matches/corresponds to the secret key provided. The corresponding secret key will be prompted if not provided with ‘–sk’
It’s just for that validation of the SafeKey URL matching the SK you provide, so it may not be that useful, only if for some reason you want to have the extra check to confirm the SafeKey URL corresponds to the SK, it’s just that. It may make more sense once we have support for hardware wallets, as discussed in another thread, you specify which key to check the balance for but the SK is obtained from the hardware wallet.
Thanks @Aragorn for doing my bash-scripting homework for me
Both scripts will be similar, mine however will use “standard candles” so we can get some clues about de-duplication which forms part of the discussion over here
In case it helps, as a reminder, if other data needs to be extracted from the CLI output, we also have the --output <format> arg in CLI (as well as the --json alias), e.g.:
$ safe files put ./ --output jsoncompact`
willie@leonov:~/projects/maidsafe/garbage_dumper$ ./ in
File #1 uploaded
./ 26: COUNTER++: not found
File #1 uploaded
./ 26: COUNTER++: not found
File #1 uploaded
./ 26: COUNTER++: not found
When I have a node running in the new testnet via the CLI, does than mean that I will be able to go to a files URL with the safe browser and view the file?
You can always visit the XOR address but it’s not human friendly; so, better to register some domain name against it and visit that.
replace the xor and be sure to retain the suffix of ?v=0 safe nrs create bittog --link safe://hyryyry96dzmggj9icgwr7cptjtqesieemcnogw5p6u9fqqtc95aaxyz1eenra?v=0
then visit to safe://bittog would be possible… in CLI or in browser.