yep, only me
Anything to break this week?
We got a new sn_node
willie@gagarin:/projects$ safe node update
Checking target-arch... x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Checking current version... v0.42.7
Checking latest released version... v0.43.2
New release found! v0.42.7 --> v0.43.2
New release is *NOT* compatible
sn_node release status:
* Current exe: "/home/willie/.safe/node/sn_node"
* New exe release: "sn_node-0.43.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz"
* New exe download url: ""
The new release will be downloaded/extracted and the existing binary will be replaced.
[00:00:02] [========================================] 11.77MB/11.77MB (0s) Done
Extracting archive... Done
Replacing binary file... Done
Update status: '0.43.2'!
Node has been updated. Please restart.
much bugs in that one I Would not waste time on it.
Yeeess I was thinking that myself
It totally crashed this box with a massive memory leak.
I’ll go back to 0.42.7
Doge rubbing off on you?
Wondering if this is potentially the OOM fix??
It should help in some facets. But it doesn’t solve it. I’m in debugging this the now, lets seeeee
Trying to install auth but getting this?
safe auth install
Latest release found: sn_authd v0.8.1
Error: No asset found in latest release for the target platform x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Great work all. Huge github action again!
Question, what criteria is needed for Fleming to be achieved?
Simply a network that does not lose data and does not fail (e.g. OOM issue) regardless of how slow it is?
Seems really close but how could we measure how close it is if we don’t know what’s being aimed for
Forget it, they don’t know and never will. This piece of software is years ahead of completion. The amount of remaining work before mainnet release is simply astonishing to be carried out in a reasonable time. They always had good intentions but never had the right manpower structure to acomplish their goals. They dreamed big but thought in small. Probably in the coming years they will be absorbed by another group and all this will be remembered as a “nice try/bad execution” story. Don’t get me wrong, I have been following this project since ICO and I really would like to see it succeeding especially for David and his total dedication but mistakes don’t forgive anyone and there have been too much of them and continue in the present days. I suposse this is what it means to be a startup company, 9 of 10 fails for one reason or another, it’s not easy.
As far as I can see, the bear market is not doing well for many people
Privacy. Security. Freedom
I’ve been supporting this project since 2014.
It’s taking too long now, not from the perspective of making money, I can see what the aim is but it seems to going to be a long shot.
David, I hope you will succeed and I’ll keep supporting you, most people are in for the money
but there a not many left according to CMC.
For the sake of freedom for all I hope you get this going.
I will take you at your word and respond as if you’re completely sincere (which I hope you are).
First point would be - how does ‘mistakes were made’ lead to ‘the project won’t succeed’? Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes have been publically admitted, and the hard decision of being honest has been taken on all reasonable occasions.
If you really care about the ideas behind Safe and getting them out into the world, tell us what constructive ideas you have for getting over these last steps that the team are on? I presume you’ve been involved in the test nets if you are making such strong claims about the sky falling down, would you mind sharing what precisely leads to your certainty here?
If you don’t have an answer to this, I will be doubting your sincerity.
I’ll respond directly to this one: nothing could be further from the truth.
Small-thinking could never, ever have gotten this far. Small-thinking would have capitulated years ago and sold out to exchanges, given in to the marketers of the world, would have cut corners, caved to constant pressure from greedy individuals, gradually been worn down by the years and years of comments like yours there (no offence) which surely must wear down the spirit.
The only reason we’re still here and still genuinely facing the possibility of a world where there is a way for humans to easily communicate and share knowledge privately with no middlemen is precisely because of the bigness of the dreaming, and the tenacity in the follow-through, of David and the many others who have kept this thing going over the years.
How much remaining work is there?
Anti-Entropy, some three letters sh*t, memory bugs, bugs, and more bugs, and a bunny.
Who has a working testnet radar?
@Southside is the agog o meter plugged in?
@happybeing what sees your third eye?
The Runes are still foggy so I shall remain in deep meditation for another day.
Mrs Southside has pinched the fuse from the agog-o-meter for her heated hair straighteners. I am forced to examine the entrails of the git hub chicken.
From the entrails I have deciphered a message “Go and buy a pack of fuses” it said.
Are you currently able to use baby-fleming?
Are we still meant to use the authenticator with it?