Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

No worries

The update is each Engineer taking time. An intern would not stand a chance :smiley:


I think a placeholder update of no more than a paragraph giving only current status would be helpful. No need to pull together what’s been worked on, just what the current testnet status is (T? active / completed) and a bullet list of what is left to complete before launch.

Ther old updates were superb but more detailed than most could make use of and no longer needed because it’s more about keeping in touch than copious detail.


Yea I think there’s enough want for this so we try and do a single para update with some bullets. In saying that tonight I think most folk were absolutely frantic and we were supposed to have a 5 min HO and could not have. We were all so busy. It’s crazy times :smiley:


Yeh, I realise it is an extra ask and appreciate the focus and effort everyone is putting in. :pray:


Err - have I broken something else?

Error while processing incoming message: MessagingProtocol(FailedToParse("Client message payload as Msgpack: invalid type: sequence, expected u64")).

Seeing these warnings and errors consistently in the auth logs when I try to create a new account.

WARN 2021-05-07T02:33:19.992562589+01:00 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] No new transfer history  by TransferActor for pk: PublicKey::Ed25519(edfd575ac12d984e9983b8fe60a9c4ea16a5559e2918b204785cc4ff29f04b35)
INFO 2021-05-07T02:33:19.992607629+01:00 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Sending Query for latest StoreCost
INFO 2021-05-07T02:33:19.992678323+01:00 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Sending query message Query { query: Transfer(TransferQuery::GetStoreCost of 196), id: MessageId(aa1624(10101010)..) }, to the 3 Elders closest to data name: [,,]
ERROR 2021-05-07T02:33:20.003870526+01:00 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Error while processing incoming message: MessagingProtocol(FailedToParse("Client message payload as Msgpack: invalid type: sequence, expected u64")). Listening for next message...
ERROR 2021-05-07T02:33:20.010477917+01:00 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Error while processing incoming message: MessagingProtocol(FailedToParse("Client message payload as Msgpack: invalid type: sequence, expected u64")). Listening for next message...
ERROR 2021-05-07T02:33:20.010529579+01:00 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Error while processing incoming message: MessagingProtocol(FailedToParse("Client message payload as Msgpack: invalid type: sequence, expected u64")). Listening for next message...

Clean new ~/.safe dir

willie@gagarin:~$ safe -V
sn_cli 0.25.3
willie@gagarin:~$ safe node bin-version
sn_node 0.42.1
willie@gagarin:~$ safe auth bin-version
sn_authd 0.7.3

I get similar errors whenever I try to put any files

willie@gagarin:~$ safe files put ~/tmp/md5s/md5-5MB.txt 
[sn_client::connections::listeners] ERROR 2021-05-07T02:47:33.101578058 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Error while processing incoming message: MessagingProtocol(FailedToParse("Client message payload as Msgpack: invalid type: sequence, expected u64")). Listening for next message...
[sn_client::connections::listeners] ERROR 2021-05-07T02:47:33.101645356 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Error while processing incoming message: MessagingProtocol(FailedToParse("Client message payload as Msgpack: invalid type: sequence, expected u64")). Listening for next message...
[sn_client::connections::listeners] ERROR 2021-05-07T02:47:33.101657781 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Error while processing incoming message: MessagingProtocol(FailedToParse("Client message payload as Msgpack: invalid type: sequence, expected u64")). Listening for next message...

And if the devs are all too busy then a simple RTFGH can be issued

Friendly <------ This ones just for you @Sascha, big smooches and hugz


Thank you, Baby Jesus. I’ve been holding on for this one forever. Glad to hear the band is back.


I love the Baby Cheeses and Conflict-free Replicated Data Types <— my FB tagline


I just replaced the sn_node with v0.41.2 and all works as expected – something broke on the last upgrade


The sn_messaging version between some of the components you were using was not compatible (and so msgs couldn’t be decoded)


A post was merged into an existing topic: Update from MaidSafe HQ

FIRST!!! Thanks for the update!


I think these little notes are brilliant and could very well be the new format for the Thursday updates. I’d like to see them return to their own threads and again become a regular Thursday thing. Regularity just looks nice, especially to new followers and those who don’t spend most of their week reading the forum (like I do). More details are always available on Github anyway.


@StephenC do you allow me to move the “secret” update to a new topic and put a cover to it? It’s awful how some people take advantage of being first just because they accidentally opened the topic (yes, I’m looking at you :upstate: )

Privacy. Security. Freedom


All the components I was using were the latest - I reinstalled from scratch several times to make sure I was not posting a false error

willie@gagarin:~$ safe update
Checking target-arch... x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Checking current version... v0.25.3
Checking latest released version... v0.25.3
Update status: `0.25.3`!
willie@gagarin:~$ safe node update
Checking target-arch... x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Checking current version... v0.42.1
Checking latest released version... v0.42.1
Update status: '0.42.1'!
willie@gagarin:~$ safe auth update
Checking target-arch... x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Checking current version... v0.7.3
Checking latest released version... v0.7.3
Setting execution permissions to installed binary '/home/willie/.safe/authd/sn_authd'...
Update status: `0.7.3`!

I don’t understand this part at all @Dimitar please elaborate? Seems a bit harsh to be honest.

But a single thread for these mini updates seems an easy fix to the update debates. All the official update posts in one thread will make it easy for those who don’t follow closely to keep up.
(A no comment thread :wink:)


I prefer these more frequent micro updates, to the long weekly update.


It’s just a joke, you see I used @upstate personal sticker, I’m sure he won’t be angry with me :19eddyjohn75:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


:joy: lack of coffee here then… anyhow I see a black circle that looks like a lock in that post.


The important thing is that he likes his sticker (If you place the mouse on the sticker you see its name)


Privacy. Security. Freedom