I don’t know that privacy is lost per se – often these would be used to build reputation on an a site… And generally when you are building a reputation you don’t want to be totally anonymous – pseudoneymous, perhaps. Sometimes you want your reputation to match your resume and don’t want anonymity at all.
I am not thinking “colored SAFEcoin” so much as a token that looks and acts and is verified by the same mechanism as SAFEcoin that is actually an AppCoin for whatever community it is used in.
Reddit for example was talking about building their own currency… It makes a lot of sense. Being a valuable contributor could be profitable, earn you rights, respect and influence… Being a turkey could slow you down to the point where you cannot afford to be a nuisance any longer…
By using consensus algorithms to manage all of this you could get quality self-moderation with little or no human input aside from deciding prices, payments, thresholds etc. That would become quite a science…
Using SAFEcoin by itself has Scaling problems. You can reward the model railroad guy with the same currency that you reward Bob Dylan, but most likely uncle Ned isn’t into it for the money, and a few nickels worth of SAFEcoin isn’t going to make the model railroad forum one ounce better. SAFEcoin is still important in that it allows the forum to subsist – but aside from that, it isn’t a community building tool.
One of the problems with Forums is that they are often a lot more valuable to the community than they are to the curator… Automated curation would help many communities thrive…
My understanding of the Structured data was from the RFC – Dont know the status of that yay or nay. https://github.com/maidsafe/rfcs/blob/master/active/0000-Unified-structured-data.md
As these data types are now self validating and may contain different information, such as new protocols, rdf/owl data types, the limit of new data types and ability to link such data is extrely scalable. Such protocols could indeed easily encompass token based systems (a form of 'crypto-currency'), linked data, natural language learning databases, pre-compilation units, distributed version control systems (git like) etc.
You could probably pre-mine these and confirm their serial number in a registry – Or you could use some sort of Hierarchal deterministic schema to issue them as needed.