Possible UI improvement

I have accidentally clicked “Deny” on this screen at least once during all the tests so far, and was wondering if it would be an improvement to move “Deny” further to the left, perhaps in the left corner of the box instead of where it currently is, right next to “Allow.” Just thinking of how horrible it would be for someone to accidentally click “Allow” on a malicious SAFE App in the future, that steals all your data / safecoin :frowning: Just a thought.


That has never happened to me, so it can’t be a universal problem. Is it possibly related to a confusion of left and right, that some people have?

I would extend the suggestion to make the “deny” flashing red and the “allow” green, maybe accompanied by a sad and happy smilicon respectively.

That should cover almost the full range of visual disabilities. Perhaps braille support will come eventually. :slight_smile:


You ain’t crazy!

From a user experience perspective I think the allow button should be a button, and the deny button should be dark gray text.


Having a simple option to add skin, perhaps could be simple to implement. Flexibility then could allow user to choose their layout and design background etc.


I would extend the suggestion to make the “deny” flashing red and the “allow” green, maybe accompanied by a sad and happy smilicon respectively.

Thought you were joking here, but either way, not a good idea IMO.

The aim is to help the user choose correctly so making one button red and another green could well have the wrong effect in cases where the user wants to deny access - green being associated with good/right etc.

Anyway, I prefer to leave have these decisions to people who understand the goals and the cross cultural psychology and ergonomics of UI design, and not crowdsource them. Any such experts here please step forward.

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We also need to cater well for people making the wrong choice.

So no decision should be irreversible, and it should be obvious and easy to achieve in this instance.


I agree. Allow/OK on the right like turning the next page, deny/cancel on the left like turning the page back.