Poll: Should MaidSafe implement PtP (Pay the Provider)?

He’s got a point there. Which is why I was against having any percentage of farming revenue go to anyone in particular in the first place. While devs are important giving them a percentage of farming is just raising them above everyone else as a special interest case, and moreover writing it into code is just another form of coercisve tax. Now with a PtP system at least you reward anyone who produces something however it’s still subsidizing producers over anyone else, thus subsidizing a special interest group. So the point still stands.

Moreover if we’re going to have altcoins for different things like porn, medicine, makers, art, etc then we should also have an altcoin for devs as well. So instead of having a percentage of farming go to farming people could just buy a share of devcoin or something which they could spend to buy things like new software or whatever.