I have the same error as @Nigel.
Yesterday all was OK. This morning, in other computer, no problems, but this night the error persist even close/reopen the browser several times.
The Log:
T 18-07-31 00:16:12.285699 [ :147] Creating unregistered client.
T 18-07-31 00:16:12.287701 [crust::main::service service.rs:556] Network name: Some(“alpha_2”)
T 18-07-31 00:16:13.290368 [crust::main::service service.rs:82] Event loop started
T 18-07-31 00:16:13.290368 [crust::main::config_refresher config_refresher.rs:44] Entered state ConfigRefresher
T 18-07-31 00:16:13.290368 [ :1395] Waiting to get connected to the Network…
T 18-07-31 00:16:14.374088 [crust::main::active_connection active_connection.rs:63] Entered state ActiveConnection: PublicId(name: 34e3eb…) → PublicId(name: 3a602f…)
T 18-07-31 00:16:14.374088 [crust::main::active_connection active_connection.rs:110] Connection Map inserted: PublicId(name: 3a602f…) → Some(ConnectionId { active_connection: Some(Token(24)), currently_handshaking: 0 })
D 18-07-31 00:16:14.374088 [routing::states::bootstrapping bootstrapping.rs:266] Bootstrapping(34e3eb…) Received BootstrapConnect from 3a602f…
D 18-07-31 00:16:14.374088 [routing::states::bootstrapping bootstrapping.rs:332] Bootstrapping(34e3eb…) Sending BootstrapRequest to 3a602f…
D 18-07-31 00:16:14.412113 [routing::states::client client.rs:91] Client(34e3eb…) State changed to client.
T 18-07-31 00:16:14.412113 [ :1413] Connected to the Network.
D 18-07-31 00:16:54.196445 [ :44] ERRNO: -205 IpcError(StringError(Utf8(“invalid utf-8: corrupt contents”)))