LIFE IS PEOPLE - ANTS vii meet up will be live link up with - SAFEnetwork Decentralization and Cryptocurrency meet up in Ruidoso New mexico USA
This meeting is open to all - feel free to post any topics of you would like to discuss - will post the LIFE IS PEOPLE ANTS vii to join hangout link later
ANTS meet up in various time zones
Feel free to raise any topics to discuss
contact @optictopic for details of location
Quantum entanglement achieved in solid-state circuitry
For the first time, physicists have convincingly demonstrated that physically separated particles in solid-state devices can be quantum-mechanically entangled. The achievement is analogous to the quantum entanglement of light, except that it involves particles in circuitry instead of photons in optical systems.
Quantum-secure authentication of a physical unclonable key
Authentication of persons and objects is a crucial aspect of security. We experimentally demonstrate quantum-secure authentication (QSA) of a classical multiple-scattering key. The key is authenticated by illuminating it with a light pulse containing fewer photons than spatial degrees of freedom and verifying the spatial shape of the reflected light. Quantum-physical principles forbid an attacker to fully characterize the incident light pulse. Therefore, he cannot emulate the key by digitally constructing the expected optical response, even if all information about the key is publicly known. QSA uses a key that cannot be copied due to technological limitations and is quantum-secure against digital emulation. Moreover, QSA does not depend on secrecy of stored data, does not depend on unproven mathematical assumptions, and is straightforward to implement with current technology.
Authentication of persons can be based on “something that you know,” e.g., digital keys, or “something that you have,” e.g., physical objects such as classical keys or official documents. A drawback of digital keys is that their theft can go unnoticed; a drawback of traditional physical keys is that they can be copied secretly. A physical unclonable function (PUF) is a physical object that cannot feasibly be copied because its manufacture inherently contains a large number of uncontrollable degrees of freedom. Making a sufficiently accurate clone or concocting a device that mimics its physical behavior is infeasible, though not theoretically impossible, given the properties of PUFs [1,2]. See also Supplement 1. A PUF is a function in the sense that it reacts to a stimulus (“challenge”) by giving a response. After manufacture there is a one-time characterization of the PUF in which its challenge–response behavior is stored in a database. The PUF (from this point referred to as the “key”) can later be authenticated by comparing its response behavior to the database; see Fig. 1(a).
Fig. 1. Idea of QSA: (a) In classical authentication of an optical unclonable physical key, a challenge wavefront of sufficient complexity is sent to the key. The response wavefront is compared with those stored in a database (yellow pieces) to make a pass (green light) or fail (red light) decision. However, this verification can be spoofed by an emulation attack (b) in which the challenge wavefront is completely determined and the expected response is constructed by the adversary who knows the challenge–response behavior of the key. (c) In QSA, the challenge is a quantum state for which an emulation attack (d) fails because the adversary cannot actually determine the quantum state, and, hence, any attempt to generate the correct response wavefront fails.
While only working for a very small separated distance, it is a welcome breakthrough. How long now to when the entangled particles are large distances apart (say across the world, earth->mars)?. The revolution in communications that will occur when these can be commercially used. Mesh networks will become the norm as there will be no need for expensive long distance links.
I should add that I love the use of electrophysiological biometric, but I do not love how the makers of Nymi Band are doing it. They advertised it in the beginning as open source, but now are not planning on that. Plus, they lock you into uploading information about yourself (possibly tied to your ECG) to their centralized server and now are completely focused about “helping the credit card industry.”
The way your unique heart beat biometric is supposed to be used will be on the SAFE network and will take away one of the last ways adversaries exploit us.
And that changes as you age. Any minor heart aliments, smoking, eating habits, heart attacks can all change heat beat biometric. Your sunk if in the future you need your saved safecoin for that heart surgery but heart beat metrics is the only way to unlock your account. And if you have another way to access your account, then the biometrics is not a security feature, but a convenience only.
All those things you mention are minor noise when looking at the rhythm and are easily filtered out. That is like saying I wouldn’t recognize my wife when she changed her hair, got a new perfume, put glasses on, and is wearing a new outfit I have never seen. Even with my lack of perception (I miss those all the time), I immediately know it is her…heart beat, which is purely quantifiable data is even easier for a computer.
There are only a few instances that still cause a challenge for identification with a heart beat: 1) major rhythm change when a human is around 12-14 years of age (although could be a great way to identify minors?); 2)LVAD (other mechanical heart); and soon to follow (LVAD temp. until replaced with new heart) heart transplant.
Having a multi-sig reset mechanism in place (say 5 of 9 next of kens) should take care of that 0.0****% of the world population.