LIFE IS PEOPLE - ANTS 9 meet up will be live link up with - SAFEnetwork Decentralization and Cryptocurrency meet up in Ruidoso New mexico USA this SATURDAY 26th DECEMBER 17HRS MT 16HRS PT [00HRS GMT SUNDAY 26TH] - this meeting is open to all - feel free to post any topics of you would like to discuss - will post the ANTS hangout link later
Proposed topics for discussion
Brainstorming unique uses of SAFEnetwork
Latest SAFEnetwork developments
@dyamanaka and the whole SAFE Farmers Club has been really helpful in the thought development of this exciting project.
My hope is SAFEcrypt Drive (And all of its products and services) will show the entrepreneurs of the world that a simple amateur like myself can create an idea, build an app and/or service (CrowdSAFE fund if they want) for almost no cost, and then leverage it on the SAFE network and instantly have a product that is eons ahead of the competition.
defiantly worth discussing tonight another inspiring project
100% agree with you last message @MrAnderson
its the essence of SAFE
step by step a reflection of nature
Sometimes it takes a new project every week to find the one that sticks. I’ve been through a couple myself, and it isn’t so much the iteration or even the outright failures but instead the consistent making of plans to push this stuff to the final stage. It’s hard as hell because with most genuinely innovative projects, well, the odds are that you’re not going to be successful, and so those in your life telling you not to do it-- they could be dead right… it’s a special kind of insanity, and for one, I hope you make yours work, regardless of what it is exactly.