NRS Brainstorming Megathread

I think these are the wrong questions to be asking, because they frame the problem the wrong way around.

We should be asking:

  1. How does a user find / get to the information they are looking for?
  2. How do they verify that they are accessing the information they were requesting?
  3. How do they communicate the location of specific information to other people? (and how is it made accessible?)

If we focus on the answer to these questions, and look for some creative solutions with the capabilities that the Safe Network gives us, then issues like squatting and impersonation, could be all but eliminated.

Notice that clearnet DNS only provides an answer to one of these questions, so thinking about the NRS only, and we’ll come off with a narrow solution which largely replicates what we’ve got on the web, creates other issues in the UX, or throws the baby out with the bathwater altogether.