I’ve had a seemingly working node for about two hours. If it stores some data, where should it be? The tmp/safenodedata/record_store
is empty.
But from the log I can find:
[2023-05-27T17:22:05.059122Z TRACE safenode::domain::storage::disk_backed_record_store] Wrote record to disk! filename: 1658257bfab7c8d87d4146f79d2901085728062b1c6f74eb513c47c1006798ac
And that file is found in: C:Users/me/AppData/Roaming/safe/node/record_store
There are 81 files from 1 kB to 21 kB and 14 files from 246kB to 501kB. What are these?
I’m off to sleep now, and can’t leave the node on. But… was I in, was I in, was I in?