[2023-05-27T08:52:35.950460Z INFO safenode::network] Node (PID: 22728) with PeerId: 12D3KooWNterj1zXnTxJwfHKyLQpYFqkxdmyEHtCiFx3YPFwdcMk
Error: We have been determined to be behind a NAT. This means we are not reachable externally by other nodes. In the future, the network will implement relays that allow us to still join the network.
I’ve had a seemingly working node for about two hours. If it stores some data, where should it be? The tmp/safenodedata/record_store is empty.
But from the log I can find:
[2023-05-27T17:22:05.059122Z TRACE safenode::domain::storage::disk_backed_record_store] Wrote record to disk! filename: 1658257bfab7c8d87d4146f79d2901085728062b1c6f74eb513c47c1006798ac
And that file is found in: C:Users/me/AppData/Roaming/safe/node/record_store
There are 81 files from 1 kB to 21 kB and 14 files from 246kB to 501kB. What are these?
I’m off to sleep now, and can’t leave the node on. But… was I in, was I in, was I in?
I am not sure why the safenode-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip still shows as ‘not found’ on Alpine 3.17:
safe-alpine:/usr/local/bin# ./safenode --help
-ash: ./safenode: not found
safe-alpine:~# ldd --version
musl libc (x86_64)
Version 1.2.3
Dynamic Program Loader
Usage: /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1 [options] [--] pathname
I upgraded the Alpine image to 3.18 which includes musl libc 1.2.4, which gave the same error.
I then tried the following:
apk add build-base
apk add gcompat
This didn’t give the errors, but also didn’t work as intended with the --help actually starting up the program automatically:
safe-alpine:/usr/local/bin# ./safenode --help
Starting logging to stdout
[2023-05-27T22:02:16.454168Z DEBUG safenode] Current build's git commit hash: ---- No git commit hash found ----
[2023-05-27T22:02:16.454275Z WARN safenode::peers_acquisition] No SAFE_PEERS env var found. As `local-discovery` feature is disabled, we will not be able to connect to the network.
[2023-05-27T22:02:16.454744Z INFO safenode]
Running safenode v0.1.0
[2023-05-27T22:02:16.456273Z INFO safenode] Starting node ...
I went back to downloading the binaries from JoshNet, then DiskNet, then NatNet on the same container (Alpine 3.18). It seems JoshNet’s safenode worked right out of the gate, where as DiskNet and NatNet binaries did not.
I think Alpine uses musl libc instead of glibc compared to other container distribution images? Only way for me to get safenode going on Alpine was to compile from source for this NatNet testnet.
I didn’t participate in DiskNet, so maybe certain changes went in the build process and dependencies against certain libraries that make these release binaries not work on Alpine images anymore?
I get the same strange results
safe files upload safenode-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip gets me the help for safenode
/ # safe files upload safenode-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip
Usage: safenode [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
wallet Manage wallets on the SAFE Network
files Manage files on the SAFE Network
register Manage files on the SAFE Network
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--peer <PEERS> Nodes we dial at start to help us get connected to the network. Can be specified multiple times
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
safenode --help attempts to start a node…
/ # safenode --help
Starting logging to stdout
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.112166Z DEBUG safenode] Current build's git commit hash: ---- No git commit hash found ----
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.112427Z INFO safenode::peers_acquisition] Using contact peers from $SAFE_PEERS env var to intitiate contact with the network: ["/ip4/"]
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.112461Z INFO safenode]
Running safenode v0.1.0
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.113252Z INFO safenode] Starting node ...
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.113367Z INFO safenode::network] Node (PID: 77) with PeerId: 12D3KooWLcHrGWiSS5466ENHDNsyqyJZGjirbzHro2vKhNcvgTJi
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.114573Z INFO safenode::network::event] Local node is listening on "/ip4/"
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.114629Z INFO safenode::network::event] Local node is listening on "/ip4/"
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.114859Z ERROR safenode::node::api] Failed to dial 12D3KooWN7AJe7wxVckZ6SF3ybYXVgetQ9hkYWHCHLokpSRC31W2: AlreadyDialingPeer(PeerId("12D3KooWN7AJe7wxVckZ6SF3ybYXVgetQ9hkYWHCHLokpSRC31W2"))
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.448995Z INFO safenode::network::event] Connected with PeerId("12D3KooWN7AJe7wxVckZ6SF3ybYXVgetQ9hkYWHCHLokpSRC31W2")
[2023-05-27T22:38:34.449514Z INFO safenode::network::event] identify: Sent { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWN7AJe7wxVckZ6SF3ybYXVgetQ9hkYWHCHLokpSRC31W2") }
A bit late, just in case it’s of use
fedora 38 with vpn
[2023-05-26T23:17:01.533131Z INFO safenode] Starting node …
[2023-05-26T23:17:01.533296Z INFO safenode::network] Node (PID: 737) with PeerId: 12D3KooWRnYVUCDji66z6WbpejLpPvvCiokpuWHYRYwv2S4QbVAS
[2023-05-28T13:15:18.096710Z INFO safenode::network::event] AutoNAT status changed: Unknown -> Private [2023-05-28T13:15:18.096728Z WARN safenode::node::api] NAT status is determined to be private! [2023-05-28T13:15:18.096760Z INFO safenode] Node is stopping in 1s...