Multiple ways to build the SAFE Network browser extension!

I wouldn’t worry too much about that Warren says :stuck_out_tongue: I always take it with a barrel of salt

@nicklambert They seem phony to me. It might take a Sony style expose but I wouldn’t trust them. The roots of Mozilla corporation are storied going back to U of I Urbana NSCA and Mosaic and the beginning of web browsing but they are something else today. As you say they are not simply Firefox but its “Mozilla Firefox” as their most public offering and its likely characteristic as its how the public knows them today.

Here are the last two points from their manifesto:

9 Commercial involvement in the development of the Internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial profit and public benefit is critical.

10 Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the Internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.

There is something not quite right about this. I think one of the implications in those points is the idea that we couldn’t do a private internet where the end user owned the nodes or even a national pubic highway format, that it would only be the great internet if it were done by a commercial ad driven format. Surely there was a lot of bubble type money pent up in that model but its not forever or necessary and sufficient even as a stepping stone.

Legendary roots of course but they’ve changed. The proof is in the use of the vanilla offering (without the extensions) and in how open and easy they are to communicate with. Even a few years ago trying to communicate with them seemed incredibly useless.

Have they fixed the back button issue? No because some useless businesses want to make it so you have to press the back button furiously to get off the page. Why did they take away the standard stop page load button and make the controls so much smaller? Because they don’t want people stopping the ads from loading if the text loads first. Have they fixed the scroll issues? No, quite the opposite, an ad on will fix the scroll issue and an update will break it. Do their history and back forward systems work in a logical efficient way? Not even like the early Netscape browser- where you could simply run forward and backward across sites and it kept a tickler file listing, as that reduces hits at ad gateways. It updates like Adobe Acrobat. This is a you-need-to-watch-the-ads-because-they-pay-for-the-internet-outfit- in short you need to focus on what the sponsors are telling us.

Their actions on the browser suggest they may be bought and paid for. Probably wouldn’t have to go farther than their board and looking at which other boards the members sit on to gauge their intents. If an end user tries to talk to them good luck, but if a Fortune 500 says we will boycott your browser because you aren’t letting us screw your user base the way we’d like I am guessing they will bend over backwards. In terms of trust its important to know when an organization has been preempted, and their main public offering is just another supply side browser which is a strong clue as to their status and how trustworthy they are… .

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December 2014 Market Share

Good research, but ultimately dont we want a browser extension on every available platform.

It’s code that needs to spread into every nook and cranny, so Firefox would be as good a starting point as any, regardless of business model, ethics etc


I couldn’t agree more and I wholeheartedly support a SAFE extension for Firefox, and hope and of course expect that the SAFE crew will be just as diligent as they are with everything else.


What if apps, like this proposed safe-browser plugin, perform a maidsafe-DNS for the client? I think Namecoin and NXT already have browser plugins that do this for alias’ on the namecoin and NXT networks. What I’m suggesting is that we can have multiple DNS systems. Each one might also function as a search engine. Each one might also vet the type of content they allow and advertise such for their targeted client-base. In this manner people can use whatever name is available on their desired DNS app.

I dunno…just spit-balling here.

I agree…your probably just trolling right now.,…you working from a desk?

I think like any large organisation they will have their good eggs and bad, but I don’t see anything in their manifesto that gives me cause for concern. I believe that MaidSafe will need larger partners for leveraging user base’s, protection…etc… and looking at the top browser list posted by @chrisfostertv I think Mozilla are a good fit.


Mozilla is awesome IMHO. Totally love them, especially for all the great plugins

Seek mental help. This isn’t the first time you’ve attacked me without any provocation nor facts.

By the way

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,1 by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]

As I am now merely defending my reputation here, I think I can be cleared of being called a troll. You however, might want to think about the definition of an internet troll before posting in a manner suggestive of one.

Content gateways with search driven advertising that leverage safe to do so?

I dunno if they’d use advertising or not - whatever they think they’d need to cover their expenses in providing a service. There are many revenue models. The SAFE network is going to offer a lot of new avenues for business. My brain boggles at the possibilities for humanity! :smile:


Maybe a rash call, clumsily expressed which makes me look stupid…but I have to ask the question, sorry.

My questioning of ‘trolling’ covers:

Threat to fork Maidsafe,
Proposal to change SafeCoin issuance
Proposal for ‘multiple DNS systems’

I’m questioning why you propose stuff that doesn’t require changing. I understand trying to pick holes in the existing project to make it stronger, we should all do that, but for example, pushing the idea that the SafeCoin implementation is broken…is confusing to me.

Well said of course and seems like like a Firefox plug-in would be a solid step. To me as an outsider Mozilla now seems more like Face Book and AT&T as a large organization. You mention that they now get their money or presumably most of it from Google and Yahoo. They’re basically sponsored. As I understand it the point of efforts like GPL was to cut the money strings and I think Firefox is GPL but I think its already more like Android or going in that direction. If they weren’t caught they’d still be headed by someone who spent some of his own money in an effort to curtail other people’s rights.

My threat to fork maidsafe was in response to another individuals plan to incorporate a system of identity tracking into maidsafe core. Whether it would be me or not wouldn’t matter - if identity tracking was built into maidsafe, it would be forked.

My proposal to change this issuance was to insure that safecoin would end up being useful as a currency. As David subsequently weighed in on the matter I ended up agreeing with his idea of having multiple sub-coins. The point of my proposal was to fix what seemed like a potential problem and IMO, that is one of the key reasons for the existence of this forum.

My proposal of multiple DNS systems is not to do with maidsafe core, it’s a suggestion to app builders as a potentially valuable means of attracting clients. DNS is a useful tool, the fact that governments have co-opted it as a means of control is sad, but maidsafe break that limitation and my suggestion would also not be threatened by government control - as anyone could make such an app and open-source it.

[quote=“chrisfostertv, post:53, topic:991”]I’m questioning why you propose stuff that doesn’t require changing.

This is a subjective statement. What you think does not require changing does not imply that others think the same as you. There is no objective logic here.



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Ok, thanks for taking the time to clear that up.

I hope you persist in making proposals, this Project is so well crafted…your gonna have to invent a doozy to have it implemented…and flaws? there’s been a few in here battling it out with David, haven’t seen them in a while.

That’s true, I haven’t deep dived into the docs like some here, but I did recognize DNS and SafeCoin (maths) as not being issues and hence my suspicious mind. Actually DNS seems to be one of the main disconnects for the new folk on the forum…it’s so integral to the Public Internet, it’s hard to imagine a network without it.

Lol…yes Chris, you do have a suspicious mind…I do too though and I think it is a good thing to be a Sceptic in all matters in fact (better still a Skeptic). The thing is, that this is actually what you are complaining to Tyler about…rather than trolling.
Trolling is something different…we also have to be careful that our healthy scepticism does not wither into un-healthy Cynicism.
Just sayin’…


A safe network plugin to be able to interpret the safe: namespace and render webpages I guess in the browserm perhaps as well as java stuff, for example :wink:

Might it be a line in the about:plugins called MaidSafe? :slight_smile:


Hey guys I just made a logo for your SAFE Browser extension:

I hope you like it!

I also made a website with logos for all the apps! Check it out here!!

Feel free to take it, I officially released all copyright claim I have on it (if any, as it uses Mozilla’s logo:)


hmmm - maybe looks a little bit like the waterfox logo I’d say :open_mouth:

How about using something that symbolizes strength and the ability to defend yourself.
I’d suggest to substitute the fox with a hedgehog, a porcupine or a platypus!

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