Mock-routing questions


It’s only midnight, we are only just starting on the second half of the day :smiley: No seriously Viv does run on some weird workaholic timescales. However the community building is so so important to us.


haha its no bother. a build of a module doesnt take long. we do quite a few of that in a day lol. now building on windows ofc is always sweet cos its insanely fun watching pixels scroll slowly :stuck_out_tongue:


twice a day wow madness. Guess that’s what it takes! I built the browser a long time ago, need to look up how to do that again and get comfortable with that side of things

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Oh much more than twice :smiley:


@whiteoutmashups aite there ya go

SAFE Browser 0.3.0 - win mock
Web Hosting App 0.1.1 - win mock
Mail Tutorial 0.2.1 - win mock

Hope that helps. I havent fully tested it. Just tested creating an account and validating the web hosting app, host a site and access it from the browser and it seems fine. didnt test the mail app itself.


Great thanks very much! Will try it now.

Also wanted to thank you guys for adding this, where it displays your URL at the top. It was a feature I asked for early on and I really appreciate that it’s there. Makes it much easier to know how to access your site / data. Might also be good on the previous screen (when you hit the back arrow and it shows your ID’s & services) but thanks very much for adding it!

Now time for me to dive into more mockR :smiley:


the frontend guys have been quite busy :slight_smile: There are quite a few bug fixes that have since landed as well but this version should reflect exactly as these tutorials/apps were like the TEST-17 live binaries themselves.

Yeh the examples are in for quite a few UI changes very soon. Still getting designed I think. Once shona is through with it, should hopefully make its way to the forum soon(like this week)


also sorry for being annoying but just before I forget, i wanted to maybe suggest that an addition could be allowing F11 fullscreen, like when I make a particularly aesthetic website it’s great to be able to view it in all its fullscreen glory :smiley: like FFox / chrome allows etc. if possible!


I assume you mean in the browser, can’t see why it wouldn’t be possible. Certainly would be nice to have. Beaker maybe already supports it upstream, hopefully @Krishna_Kumar / @joshuef can get that sorted.


Just curious: is @kumar back in the ‘game’?
Because this says otherwise: MaidSafe Dev Update - July 27, 2017 - #22 by dirvine


There are two Krishnas , @Krishna_Kumar is the team lead and yes in the game :smiley:


Ah, sorry.
I’m clearly not that familiar with Indian surnames.
Like the fact that there are a lot of Kumar’s.

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haha yeh we have two Kumars, they even have their first names match around 90 percent :slight_smile:

I guess you mean the kumar as in the one working on the Java APIs? maybe slightly offtopic to this thread :slight_smile: but to answer the question, he isnt back yet. He has had a family emergency(sorry cant comment more on it as its something personal for him) that he had to leave immediately to attend to. What he was working on before he had to leave has kinda stalled a bit and if/when he’ll be back is still a question we don’t have an answer for. There were a few other candidates who were going through the android dev recruitment process, so thats just going on in the side as well to try and get the work paused there going again soon. Once its sorted, we should have the info here.



not sure what this means, for the mock-routing windows setup.

Will continue dev on TEST 17 for now. If we run out of PUTs while coding, are we allowed 2nd / 3rd account invites?

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yep, but one thing i found useful is copying your javascript after you changed it and pasting it in the console instead of deleting and uploading the file in the web hosting manager

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That’s a really cool tip. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Strange - it works fine for me.

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Can you try my safe_vault fork for local network? I have just updated it to allow 5_000_000 operations per account. That should be enough for some time.

Instructions to build and run a local network are here.


Should certainly be do-able.

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Can you please try the following commands for building the hosting example to work with mock,

set NODE_ENV=dev
npm i && npm run rebuild && npm run package

Email app

set NODE_ENV=dev
npm i && npm run package

the NODE_ENV flag is used to decide whether mock or actual library to use