MaidSafe Dev Update - May 4, 2017

The SAFE Authenticator is now stable enough (with the mock network) that developers can build it (by following the instructions in the safe_browser README) and try using it with the following example applications:


  • Deleting MutableData entries will only clear the value. See this post for more info.
  • There is a file lock issue with the mock network. If the “MockVault” file is in use by the Authenticator, it’s possible that other applications won’t work as expected. The workaround will be to close the browser and then start the application again after the authorisation is successful.
  • openUri doesn’t open the URL on Windows.

There will be minor updates to the MutableData API next week, with regards to the recent changes introduced in safe_client_libs.

Also, we are starting to work on some of the UI and UX aspects of SAFE Authenticator. Here are a few initial wireframes made by @Shona:

These are by no means completed, but we’d like to hear what you all think :smiley: . If you have better ideas of ways to integrate the Authenticator into the browser, please pitch in. This is going to be the point in time where feedback can be quickly integrated.

SAFE Authenticator & API

The Authenticator and the example apps have reached a point where we would value some initial feedback. The reason for releasing these apps early is to help curious devs to take a sneak peek into the APIs and report any issues they come across. They are not as stable as they will be in the coming weeks, but we look forward to improving them with your help!

We identified a few gaps while we were testing the apps. These have been debated with the safe_core team and they are working on the issues and the feature request.

Some more news from the Java front. First though, JNR on Android doesn’t seem to be reliable and there is no concrete example to ensure that JNR works fine. @Kumar didn’t get a reply to the issue he had raised with JNR-FFI. JNI seems to work, but the work involved in creating intermediaries and managing them is certainly not easy. We also tried JNA, it does work fine with Android. We are expanding our example with JNA and testing the handling of buffers and callbacks. On a side track, we will also keep looking into the JFFI library which is used by JNR FFI and debug the issue. When JNR support is available, switching to JNR should be easy. In case anyone has prior knowledge working with native libraries on Android, please feel free to share your input.

SAFE Client Libs & Crust

There were some changes to safe_client_libs, one related to not automatically encrypting the Mutable Data key during GETs when Mutable Data is specified as private, but leave it up to the further instructions provided by the frontend. This will give Mutable Data the flexibility to have different components as encrypted or as plain text instead of strictly categorising all to be either ciphertext or plaintext. There were some build fixes as we prepared to integrate with the latest version of Rust and Clippy 0.0.128. In safe_vault, we added more reviews/comments to the Mutable Data PR. There are a bunch of test cases that need to be fixed, so work is continuing there as usual.

As explained below, we are also presently quite busy reviewing the Data Chains proposal with the Routing Design team, with many questions and solutions exchanged back and forth.

Routing & Vault

A lot of the team’s time is currently going into finalising the detailed design of the first part of Data Chains. Since we want to get this right, we are scrutinising every design decision and evaluating any possible alternatives so that when we publish it we will be confident about all of them. This involves lots of discussions and thinking through particular scenarios of message flows or potential attacks. That takes as long as it takes, but it is a crucial part of the process.

Meanwhile, the big test cleanup that was possible thanks to the fake clock has been merged, and since it also slightly extends the tests by more closely mimicking what happens in production and by simulating a wider range of sequences in which events can be handled, it already helped us to find and fix another minor bug.

Finally, work is ongoing on the node name simplification: Crust has been updated to use the same node identifier type as Routing, and soon Routing will migrate to the new Crust version and get rid of the peer ID (Crust level) vs. public ID (Routing level node identifier) distinction, simplifying the code quite a bit.


Boom - There is your dinner.


Second 20 characters…


third, keep up the good work!!! love the project just invested in 2017 so far but I’m a big believer


4th ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌


I still find resistance to the naming convention of “account secret” what does that even mean for the layman.
They are not used to that kind of terminology, even myself I would think twice pondering what the heck is expecting from me.
I think it would be infinitely more clear if we simply said that it requires 2 unique passwords.
Naming it PIN and Password was perfect before, and it doesn’t require extra explanations.

Also, anything that is added ONLY for the tests (such as the invitation token screen) I think it should have a small note indicating that this is temporary and only for testing purposes, and that it will not have that in the final release.
Otherwise casual users who just learned about the project may leave with the wrong impression that this is overly complicated.


Looks like some UI changes, is @Shona back at it!? Looks good regardless though I’d let to give the credit where the credit is due. Thank you @maidsafe! This is the beginnings of a very productive period with outside development. Can’t wait to see the results :slight_smile: and for mobile!


Yes, the wireframes were made @Shona :slight_smile: See this part of the update:


I just was about to correct myself when I reread it :smile: thanks @frabrunelle I have Siri read me the updates while I work and I just scrolled through and saw changes.


Great update, progress visible, be great to get away from censored content. :sunglasses:


this is a huge step forward… thanks to SafeNet team working 24/7


@MaidSafe What’s the status on the APIs? I understand things are still being tweaked in safe-nodejs, but what about safe-js, and the documentation of each? Links if ready please!

I’m wondering if safe-js is in a state where I can start porting to the new authenticator API, and if there is any documentation on changes and additions.

Thanks :slight_smile:


@Maid2Suceed - great username :slight_smile: welcome!

Thanks for the update @maidsafe! The UI is looking sleek!


Great update, like the wireframes :+1:. This update wil definitely make some external devs very happy. Can’t wait to see what they come up with. Will give it a shot in the coming days to build it myself.


It sounds like the time has come to learn how to talk to mutables .
These are really great news , hope to see some new apps here and there soon :slight_smile:
The UI mockups look nice and to the point.
I like the color and graphic theme, it feels calm , soft, trust and friendly. Personnaly I feel glad the graphic team didn’t take a tech / cyber security / info-war road !


I would concur with what you say about “account secret” and would prefer the use of password and PIN - a combination that many in crypto land are already familiar with.


They could even say that the PIN can be alphanumeric lol

A PIN is usually just numeric and I think that would be fine, especially if it required 8 or more characters.

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What a great day :smiley:

Got to meet everyone in Troon and they are just as funny, quick and genuine as I expected all along.

Got a great amount of time and now I come back from the bar to an update that releases authenticator??! :smiley: :smiley:

What did I do too deserve all this good fortune today? :smiley: thanks all for everything you do! Will continue supporting with all I can and very excited for these new next steps! Let’s make some apps!!


SAFE Browser with authenticator compiled for Linux here:

I’ll leave the Windows version for a more patient soul :slight_smile: