Meshnets on Maidsafe

Yip I got word that the meeting I talked about is now On Thursday. No big secret really, but one of the core Zero MQ devs and author of the zero MQ books is coming to discuss use of zero mq with us. They have a meshnet like solution which we are looking to collaborate on to introduce to SAFE.

It’s pretty cool and sounds very compelling so Peiter is visiting us to discuss on Thursday, it was to be earlier but he had some issues and had to delay.

Here is the chapter of his book that got me looking down this path a few weeks back, 8. A Framework for Distributed Computing | ØMQ - The Guide You can see his deep understanding of the issues of mesh wireless and low level networking and after brief initial chat and emails I feel there is some great synergy. Here is a nice video that I found his desire aligned somewhat with ours and why I feel this could be a really nice fit and again increased knowledge at the networking low levels

Also a longer version with some more depth into the tech itself