I like this in concept, but if you are just allocating the resources virtually, and it cannot be traded for physical assets at any time, then it is not really backed by anything but faith, like FRN’s today… granted it is more stable than FRN as the quantity will not fluctuate that much just by keystrokes or printing presses… but if someone finds a rich vein of gold or silver, or someone else hordes lots of gold or silver, then the value can fluctuate (less so if horded as it is still accounted for.) I realize the historical value of gold and silver on currency, and it has worked well. But if you trying it use something for symbolic purposes only, why not use something that is fixed or more fixed, so calculating anticipated extraction (and making adjustments after the fact) is not part of the equation? Say the mass of the planet earth? (6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (6 x 1024) kilograms) or the volume of all water on earth (oceans, icecaps and glaciers, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and water in the atmosphere - The volume of all water would be about 332.5 million cubic miles (mi3), or 1,386 million cubic kilometers (km3). A cubic mile of water equals more than 1.1 trillion gallons. A cubic kilometer of water equals about 264 billion gallons.) Knowing we actually do loose a little water to space - and this might increase in rate if the planet heats up - so the actual value of the “currency” would appreciate slightly.)
But then you state “divide these total physical quantities by the number of american citizens” OK, what is that number? Americans on earth in 2000? Or today - Oct 23, 2016? Or 2050? Point is, if the population grows, those that come later do not get an account? Or does everyone’s account get reduced to account for the new accounts? And when people die, who gets the account value? Family or whomever they bequeath it to? And those born get their account filled with their family? And who cares if they have multiple accounts? Business account, personal account, account with beer money hidden from the wife :-), etc… I guess it is a question of socialism and tracking (everyone gets 1 account from birth to death with no chance to improve ones odds other than increasing the account size, but it is known at all times what you have ) to free market (grow and do what you want to increase your wealth with as many accounts as you can accumulate and manage to merge and split as you see fit, *without infringing upon anyone else in the process.)
I think there is something here, to remove .gov from manipulating the monetary supply and rigging the game with fiat currency and fractional lending, and I think gold and silver have proven their value historically; but I think it can be taken up a notch. “I own derivatives representing 20,000,000,000,000,000 K of this planet”, or “I have 121,968,000,0000 gallons in water shares in my account.”
I am mixed on bitcoin, safecoin, etc, because it is completely intangible and there is a risk someone, somewhere, at some point might crack it or design faster CPU power to harvest more at a much faster rate or whatever, and then my value is potentially wiped out. I lose my bitcoin wallet and they are gone for ever. Or they are stolen and they are then unrecoverable. I know many people have put a lot of trust and faith in those forms, and I agree they are better than FRN’s. But a fixed fairly finite resource, if not slightly decreasing in volume (space loss) to increase value, is used to represent wealth (and could be traded if I really want to try and store my water in my basement LOL) it might work if there is a way to not have them lost forever or stolen and not be recoverable. The best of both systems.
A maidsafe based digital wallet filled with water shares you trade and accumulate might be good. The amount of water is fairly constant, less the little bit lost to space, no matter the state. Ice, vapor / humidity, freshwater, ocean water, ponds, rain, hail, deep ocean dense water, distilled, etc. it is all water in some form, and vital to human survival. And who knows, maybe using it as a medium of exchange will make us appreciate water more and keep it cleaner. Remove those plastic islands in the ocean, clean up rivers, etc… What happens if we start grab a frozen asteroid of fresh water and haul it into earth? Well… we all have a value drop, equally across the board.
And maybe that idea is totally unrealistic… just thinking out loud after reading the thread…