MaidSafe rebuilding secure decentralised internet with BnkToTheFuture equity fundraising

5% of all safecoin is held in trust by the foundation to buy back shares from investors if the investor wishes to sell them that is.

5% are core rewards, we stand to make a % of that, initially very high, hopefully tapering off.

10% are app dev rewards, we really want to push this to others and Viv is very focussed on us not earning much here. There are ongoing ideas to push other projects forward, even us providing Engineering time direct amongst others.

Licensing of tech to corporates to handle existing data centers more efficiently (even getting rid of data centers requires accounting write down for many corporates).

Partnerships with joint venture partners globally

Engineering consulting

The largest growth and profits, I believe are in what does not even exist yet. Such as secure medical record sharing, connecting machines, particularly medical instruments and autonomous vehicles etc. and then of course the Internet of Things. Much of these areas have the potential for immense growth and we are in a great position as a business to take advantage of the skills and capability of an already global team of Engineers and support staff.

I imagine when we get up for air and time to breath we will make partnership deals with many companies, large and small, but globally. I am not interested in a vertical Western market and much more inclined to globally immersive approach.

Phase II will be very interesting as we will make partners of competitors and try very hard to lead a new fresh approach to open business practices and clean clear talking.