MaidSafe Loan Opportunity - APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED!

A neuroevolutionary (what I call a “Living University/ULB") environment driving a genetic algorithm implies a continuous learning environment. Systemic implementation requires a generic project (commonssense) framework that covers the holistic (capital management) environment requirement.

As I see it a Commonsense Project framework to meet this need requires 3 project sections ….

Project section 1 – Build the Foundations

Project section 2 – Commercial

Project section 3 – Community

each one an Epic story. :smiley:

Some brief thoughts to give a little background to the core issues for each…

Project section 1 – Build the (neuroevolutionary/ULB environment) Foundations

We need a way to bring the key complimentary thinkers/service providers together around a Foundation (Open AI equivalent) discussion group to discuss our common opportunity/outcome and a specific converging path/framework/structure to open and secure the opportunity! The (Mission Im)possible network organisation involves connecting with Knowledge, Organisational as well as Engineering thinkers to create the Foundation generic/neuro evolutionary system template for recreation.

A toe in the water approach to activate this discussion could be to circulate a Project Commonssense Co phase 0 - Mental model – Project establishment Agenda to request interest/input to agree a final agenda which address the issue core to all the initial interested parties and initial meetup approach .

Project section 2 - Commercial

The need - many of the co devs will require funding to secure their own commonsense project contribution and the combined Neuroevolutionary project path. Put simply there has to be a way to fund the collective path forward rather than one company e.g. as Maidsafe has been doing until the recent restructure.

A solution - One common method is to establish of a Collective Investment Vehicle/Trust (e.g. a Social Capital Investment Trust) rather than each doing it individually. Potentially a collective investment approach gives greater leverage to present/fund i. the agreed collective path forward ii. an Integrated portfolio where each investment reinforces each other so potentially reduced risk and leveraged upside. Further benefits of this approach include the creation of an internal system/network funding source/bank.

Project Section 3 - Community

The Community “Mutual dataplume” objective here is to provide Foundations access to the (Project Section 1) Foundation project team , (Project section 2) Foundation generic/neuro evolutionary system template, technology & funding to customise and deploy their own “CDC QBOS” Data Council. The WealthCare Capacity “smart” product matrix is used to define/deliver the neuro algorithm ( phenotype elites/interlinks) across the safenetwork based on their own Community Council defined standards. Each Access Foundation data council objective is to provide a level playing field/automatic pricing/model for all community members to access and customise their own QBOS WealthCare Capacity system to interact across the safenetwork.