MaidSafe Dev Update - July 5, 2018

Here are some of the main things to highlight this week:

  • Today, we released a new video on Proof of Resource. We’ve introduced the video in a Medium post and you can find the video on YouTube. Please clap, like, retweet and share away!
  • The PARSEC whitepaper was submitted to the Crypto-Economics Security Conference (CESC 2018) where it will receive peer review from some of the big names in our space. We can’t wait to receive this feedback.
  • Crypto changes were finally merged into p2p and Crust. That allowed us to move forward and start integrating safe_crypto and the latest Crust dev branch into Routing.


June Community Digital Stats

As ever, we’ll start the first update of the new month with a summary of the social stats. The community continues to grow steadily in size and strategies for each platform are now under review.

Proof of Resource Video

You may remember we received extra money during the CEP process back in January and the decision was made that we’d ask Hypercube to work with us on producing two introductory videos. The first (on Safecoin) was released at SAFE DevCon18 back in April and now we’re delighted to release the second, this time on Proof of Resource.

We’ve introduced the video in a Medium post and you can find the video on YouTube. Please clap, like, retweet and share away!

The other key areas of focus this week have been the website (so close!) and a range of work that relates to the next PARSEC milestone - all of which will become much clearer in the very near future…

User Experience & Website Design

So here we are again. Another week, another dev update where I have to tart up a description of “we gone and done some web coding guys!”

But I promise you this. We’re close. So close in fact that @shankar hasn’t slept in days. And given that there can be no other plausible explanation, it must be down to the sheer buzz of it all. Right?

So being the responsible employers we are, we’ve compiled him a list of excitement suppression techniques. And of course, we’re open-sourcing them here for you guys too (GPLv3). Although I’ll warn you some of them are experimental/pre-alpha:

  • Double-entry bookkeeping
  • Refresh GitHub until my PR is merged
  • Transcribe a Routing Hangout
  • A catering size bag of marshmallows [I can now confirm this **does not work**]
  • Write a dev update
  • “BBC Question Time Brexit Special”
  • Open the Tupperware cupboard
  • PRO Monthly [This one will need some testing]
  • GDPR
  • Flip a concrete coin until it lands on its edge

And there you go; they might come in handy this week.

We live to give.

SAFE Browser, Authenticator & API

Some issues in Peruse have been resolved and we are currently reviewing the PRs and testing them. One of these issues was related to the Peruse window not being fully draggable on some platforms. Another one was related to the Peruse process not finishing when the window has been closed. Also, clicking the URL in the “Authorised Apps” page of the Authenticator was opening the page in multiple tabs in the desktop’s default browser. Even though they sound fairly simple issues to solve, a few of them ended up being a bit more complex to fix, but we are moving forward steadily to have all these types of bugs fixed in the next couple of weeks so that we can share a new Peruse package.

We have also been putting a lot of effort into our research around the use of the RDF data model and how we could provide utilities to help developers make use of them on the SAFE Network. At this point, we can probably just share some of our experience with it so far. It has been a steep learning curve to be able to understand how to construct this type of structures. This is why we are trying to understand a bit better how to make the life easier for any developer trying to do the same thing, as we believe it will be the key for helping developers create data-driven apps that are RDF compliant, and which allow users to use their data with other applications without a need of the traditional export/import mechanisms between apps.

As work on the Java API continues, we’re dueling with the core concepts of Android to ensure that our libraries, JNI and wrapper functions get along with each other, ensuring full compatibility on all platforms.

We have released a new SafeApp NuGet package (v0.1.1). In this NuGet update, we fixed a garbage collection issue for callback delegates. Also, we have updated AuthBindings in the SafeAuthenticator app in the safe_mobile repo.

SAFE Client Libs

This week, we continued working on the API refactor for Client, which we are changing from a Rust struct into a trait which will be implemented by Safe Authenticator and Safe App. It is taking longer than expected due to the complexity of the refactor as well as due to limitations in Rust’s trait system, such as the lack of trait fields (which is still WIP by the Rust team). Nevertheless, we are happy with the way this is heading and believe that it will benefit future development and maintenance as well as end users’ ability to use and understand our API. But, most importantly, it will also help us to separate the concerns of the libraries comprising the Client Libs because at the present moment SAFE Core takes too much responsibility on catering for the Authenticator. So, for example, if we’d want to change something only in the Authenticator component, it might require a change in SAFE Core too, taking more time and effort. This is a fragile state of things and we want to fix it with this large refactoring too, solving several problems at once.

In parallel, we’re continuing to work on integrating safe_crypto with SAFE Client Libs. This is largely interwoven with the same effort going on in Crust and Routing as both libraries serve as a foundation for us. Still, we’re able to progress independently, so in the end, SAFE Crypto should be integrated with most of our libs at about the same time.


This has been a good week for Routing :smile:

Work on the PARSEC implementation has been progressing extremely well! Expect to hear more from us on this subject very soon :wink: :smile:

The PARSEC whitepaper was submitted to the Crypto-Economics Security Conference (CESC 2018) where it will receive peer review from some of the big names in our space. We can’t wait to receive this feedback.

Meanwhile, we also have made significant progress on the proofs side towards refining our synchrony assumption so that the proof for liveness can be expressed more formally. From the early reviews we received when releasing the paper, this has been the most important point that surfaced, which is why we are very happy with the outlook on this front.


This week, crypto changes were finally merged into p2p and Crust. That allowed us to move forward and start integrating safe_crypto and the latest Crust dev branch into Routing. This is very good news for us - we want to see new Crust goodies being used as soon as possible :slight_smile:

Crypto changes introduced some minor regression and our CI reported a couple of failing tests specifically on the Windows platform. The cause is very obscure and being researched. Hopefully, we’ll have a fix next week though :slight_smile:

Last but not least, we fixed the uTP packet loss issues. The problem was with packet acknowledgement. uTP uses State packets to acknowledge other packets. Our implementation would never ever send State packet with the same ID. So if a State packet was lost at some point, the other end of communication would think that its packet was lost. Now we make sure all the packets are acked and if needed, State packets are resent.


I wanna be the first one once! :smiley:


Ill take 2nd place…


Did you cheat by watching slack, is this a France (Pierre) Argentia (you) revenge thing? :smiley: :smiley:


An inside job!!!



I could be first today if I wanted, but I suspected that bochaco wanted to be first (I saw he was typing). But anyway Belgium will hopefully beat France if everything goes to plan.
And of course nice update!


I opened the forum and saw the post, and I also saw @draw typing and I kinda started panicking as I never was so close to be the first one, and just went for it, I feel so good now! :joy: btw Thanks @draw for letting me experience it! :grin:


Loving these humorous updates :joy: all great news! Hoping the PARSEC paper gets some useful and positive feedback! So much more to comment on but busy at work :dizzy_face: keep rockin’ ladies and gents :love_you_gesture:


Really like the new video. Well done.

Great to hear you are getting Parsec peer reviewed. Look forward to hearing the feed back.

One question/idea: do you guys ever do professional video recordings of the office and team working hard? I was just thinking the other day that once SAFE is launched it would maybe be a great PR move to do a documentary on the SAFE Network and Maidsafe, so valuable footage and maybe the odd mini interview might be a good idea from now until launch. I know you guys are very focused on building, but maybe one for the PR team to think about if they haven’t already.


I think i will bribe dirvine with some maidsafecoins to let me be the first one next time! Hahahha


This is great news.

The Video is perfect for all walks of life to easily comprehend the true power of the Safe Network. I think It puts blockchain in its place as an inadequate technology. Great job!


Good job guys! Amazing to see the community growing


Really excellent, high-quality video IMO—very helpful for us non-developers in conceptualizing some of what MaidSafe is doing. Clapped and Tweeted.

Also really looking forward to seeing CESC’s review of PARSEC + the Decentralized Web Summit at the end of this month … exciting times ahead. :slight_smile:


Great advertising Maidsafe, this gets big names in the cryptospace to pay more attention to the SAFE Network. :+1:

Always fun to read these updates, keep up the good work super :ant: :ant:



Great update, well worth waking up for on a Friday.

Just a few thoughts on the “excitement suppression techniques”

As long as routing is pronounced right. Too many people replace the “u” with an “o” and it means something ever so more exciting etc… well I don’t need to spell it out do I?

Or on the side of the “table” and breaks because it was not reinforced.


As long as routing is pronounced right. Too many people replace the “u” with an “o” and it means something ever so more exciting etc… well I don’t need to spell it out do I?

Fraid you do sport. Doesn’t really travel outside of Oz :wink:


Get ya mind out of the gutter :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh wait … pot kettle black rings a bell here

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Nope, still don’t get it. Perhaps you could draw a diagram?

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I think you need to utilise the “excitement suppression techniques” and stop trying to get a rise out of me. Dang it used another double meaning word again.

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Man, not everyone here has english as a first language … dont leave us curious hahhaa

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