MaidSafe Dev Update - January 18, 2018

What exactly is the distinction between a groupie and a diehard fan? Sounds like rectangles and squares—at best—to me. There are many non-technical supporters here, who (like me) don’t have a dev background, but are passionate about how the SAFEnetwork can revolutionize the intersection of tech, commerce, and society.

I tend to lead with something like: Maidsafe is building the only autonomous network capable of decentralizing the internet. Unlike a blockchain-based product, the SAFEnetwork runs on datachains, which are more eco-friendly, built to scale, faster, free of transaction fees and provide superior privacy and security.

From there it’s just a matter of diving into what aspects of the SAFEnetwork inspire you most or might best pique the listener’s interest. The list of key messaging points @dugcampbell shared earlier this month provides helpful direction on what attributes to push:

All of that being said, I generally agree with you on the point of transparency.

The Maidsafe team is operating under unique constraints. It would be much easier to provide good visibility into timing if they were merely iterating on a blockchain concept rather than creating something wholly distinct. However, optics are key. Whatever else can be done to provide the public with greater insight into time horizons will be a net win, I think. Consider how many times a Falcon rocket failed to land properly. Some people moaned about missing the timeline, but on the whole it’s as they say: those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind. Much like SpaceX, I think erring to the side of greater transparency will provide greater returns in the end.