MaidSafe Dev Update - 7th June 2016

This is exactly what we did in a PM and here in the thread itself.

We are not in disagreement here but having the same question asked in the exact same way underneath eachother doesn’t help of course :slight_smile:

We immediately approached other members but we wanted him to wait instead of stop posting, maybe I should have formulated my explanation better.


We have several questions from @xiaowen in this topic. I asked to use PM and got a PM myself. I used translate and tried to help out. I got a reply back and got thanked for my help (I provided link to coinmarketcap as well). I think we’re very open to all people on this forum. But like @Melvin said, it was repeating the same questions several times over again. I understand that happened because of the language barrier, but mods try to keep the forum a bit cleaned up as well. So in this case we did both. I’m in favor of a Chinese welcome message in META or something. Maybe @Xinxi_Wang can help out with that.

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The truth is that this forum is too much english centric and the use of other languages must enlarge.

Maybe create one categories in each of the most important languages (Chinese, Spanish, French…) can help introduce new users in the Safe Network.

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I made a topic in META.


The thing is that it is usually a hard language barrier between english and chinese.

I personally use the help of a proper paid translator (english / chinese / german) to get the things done that i need.
As far as my understanding goes there are no ressources or funds to do such a thing for the moment.
So unless there are people volunteering i see no possibility or simply put no space for this right now.


当时认购时的价格是0.000042 BTC一个MAIDSAFECOIN。



I was a bit busy so cannot come here in time. Let’s attract more Chinese users so they can help each other.


哦 好的 谢谢哈 对于目前 Maid 要上中国的元宝 您有什么看法吗?


If you ask a question, make it clear. Otherwise, translation confused.

=> Oh well thank Kazakhstan for the current Maid to the Chinese ingot What is your opinion?
=> 哦谢谢哈当前小龙女对中国元宝对此你有何看法?
=> ???

If text does not translate twice, then text does not translate at all.