MaidSafe Dev Update :safe: 3rd November 2015

Will you at least remain available for consult until the new maintainers have a solid grasp of your work. I’m sure they are very competent and extremely capable but IMHO only you know your work inside and out. I wish you well Ben, but please don’t abandon us. Your presence on this forum is invaluable. Shit, whenever I think of Maidsafe a few people pop up in my head, and your one of them. You’re a patient clear headed guy who has helped push the line with great tenacity. Just cause you resting on the side lines doesn’t mean you can’t help the troops with intelligence gathering. Whatever you choose, I wish you luck. :smile: Walk with pride friend, your work will potentially help to restore balance in this world. :sunglasses:


This is a screenshot from


For those who missed it, this is what Ben’s plans are -


Allright then, I´ll see whether I can attend one of the meetups in B. Why B, btw?

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You’re more than welcome to ! I started dusting off my meetup group SAFE Network Berlin, but no SAFE events planned yet. I will be presenting at Bitcoin Startups Berlin on Tuesday in Berlin, equally welcome.

Why Berlin? Because is in the world top for the best eco-system for starting technology companies. You’ve got to go where the talents are.


I´m not a local, but frequently in B and if there´s a chance I´ll drop in unless it´s irrelevant to non-tech creatives :wink: All the best for your start in B (click click)


why jira is still 2 in progress and 3 to do? those issues and bugs are not solved right?

I don’t know if my view is 100% correct, but if you change something in sprint 5 it just might happen that something that was part of sprint 4 gives an error due to some new code. So even while you’re working on sprint 5, you need to fix something that’s not part of sprint 5. That’s what seems to happen here in my opinion. So you can follow GitHub as mentioned by @Melvin above if you want to follow activity. But it doesn’t have to be in the tasks of this sprint.


Yep you’re right. Bugs themselves arent in JIRA since only the tasks which were “planned for and expected” were part of the sprint. These bugs in both CRUST and Routing were filed as Github Issues in the corresponding projects.

The tasks from MAID-1439 have nothing to do with these issues itself. It’s just a task that needs to be done in routing to get UDP functionality integrated to the routing library. However the bug in routing affects not just “UDP” but also TCP. That was why the guys set to get that resolved first. Once it’s sorted we can get that confirmed via TCP tests alone and proceed with the clearence of these UDP integration tasks too.

Hope that helps


Are there any news to the new website?? :grinning:

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We are still working on it. @Scott has put in a lot of work into the design of the new features pages this week and while work is very much going in the right direction it is taking longer than anticipated. We will need to get our skates on here though as the existing site is very tired and out of date. The new site will go live in November, apologies for the delays.


Perhaps I’m missing something but launcher_cli-mock-osx should just be able to be executed as is like the vaults are? My system is telling me it’s not an executable.

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$ ls -l launcher_cli-mock-osx
-rw-r--r-- (<-- means readable and writable by owner, readable by group, readable by everyone. Notice nobody has executable permissions)

And see if it lists it as being executable. I’m pretty sure on linux it wasn’t and I had to make it executable with:

$ chmod +x launcher_cli-mock-osx
$ ls -l launcher_cli-mock-osx
-rwx-r-xr-x (<-- now you should be good)

EDIT: Downloaded launcher_cli-mock-osx and it indeed wasn’t executable. So that should solve your problem. Sorry about the late response though!



thought I’d mention I finally downloaded the launcher and examples =D
Maybe you’d like to get some Feedback :smiley:

DNS works great and the firefox addon seems to work faster to me than before :smiley: lightningfast now! (only problem: if I add a new site and don’t restart firefox before opening it, firefox seems to be stuck … but maybe I’m just not patient enough)

sadly the nfs_example-mock-linux doesn’t seem to work on my (ubuntu 14.04 64bit) system :-
I added it to the launcher and when trying to activate it the result is as follows:

App: Begin test app...
Ep, Nonce: O5gJPEAV^w9wN
App: HandshakeResponse decoded
App: Begin creating directory...
App: CreateDir encoded
App: GenericResponse decoded
App: Response from Launcher: ErrorData { code: 0, description: "" }
App: Begin fetching directory...
App: GetDir encoded
App: GetDir Response decrypted.
App: GetDir Response JSON: {"id":"QmmeAb7N7wtvEFL2kfw/wt25yrP8XF/PcxhHGMP+orRbQB26wAbEgUp0hxTCy9lvCSmw4syI7SULLShWkfwbkQ==","data":{"files":[],"info":{"creation_time_nsec":437431003,"creation_time_sec":1446995571,"is_private":true,"is_versioned":false,"modification_time_nsec":437431872,"modification_time_sec":1446995571,"name":"zeroeth","user_metadata":"ABCD"},"sub_directories":[]}}
App: GetDir Response decoded.
App: Response: GetDirResponse { id: "QmmeAb7N7wtvEFL2kfw/wt25yrP8XF/PcxhHGMP+orRbQB26wAbEgUp0hxTCy9lvCSmw4syI7SULLShWkfwbkQ==", data: GetDirResponseData { info: DirInfo { name: "zeroeth", creation_time_sec: 1446995571, creation_time_nsec: 437431003, modification_time_sec: 1446995571, modification_time_nsec: 437431872, is_private: true, is_versioned: false, user_metadata: "ABCD" }, sub_directories: [], files: [] } }
App: Exiting test app...

Launcher: App "nfs_example-mock-linux" - serial number 2, removed due to LauncherError::IpcSessionTerminated -> None

Maybe I missed a big point here Oo I just downloaded the precompiled scripts and started them - nothing interesting installed on this computer at all

ps: sorry you probably know those points already - just wanted to make sure you do :open_mouth:
pps: thanks for all your work :slight_smile: and the openness of the process =) very cool that we get the opportunity to test some features in advance! :heart_eyes:

EDIT: OOOH sorry ok - I looked inside the example and I just realized I missed the big point that it actually Did Work! Then I just don’t know what the LauncherError at the end tries to tell me


I’m trying this out (at last!) but think I have a problem - possibly me just not understanding how to use this or what it is supposed to do.

I’ve downloaded the compiled examples, done chmod +x (I’m on Debian) and then ran the launcher_cli-mock-linux which gave me nice menus as promised. I created a new account, OK. I added an app (giving the full path from /home to nfs_example-mock-linux), again OK.

I can list the managed applications:

------------------- Application - Serial number 1 -------------------

Serial number: 1
Name: nfs_example-mock-linux
Location on this machine: /home/mrh/safe-releases/2015-11-03/nfs_example-mock-linux
Is allowed "SAFEDrive" access: true

Currently activated: false

Number of machines installed in: 1
Unique App-ID: 80050b..edd4f1

But when I come to activate the app I get an error:

App: Begin test app...
Ep, Nonce: z1]UjXH]h_>hR
App: HandshakeResponse decoded
App: Begin creating directory...
App: CreateDir encoded
App: GenericResponse decoded
App: Response from Launcher: ErrorData { code: 0, description: "" }
App: Begin fetching directory...
App: GetDir encoded
App: GetDir Response decrypted.
App: GetDir Response JSON: {"id":"fyRusYUR4l9UV12Dd8wLXxTZXpA2ROkiSeD3DEmnVR0OBWVFuFEni/AR/eyzBH/DFjPqCFnzvqlMQ0Xr/7aRvA==","data":{"files":[],"info":{"creation_time_nsec":565828942,"creation_time_sec":1446998081,"is_private":true,"is_versioned":false,"modification_time_nsec":565829236,"modification_time_sec":1446998081,"name":"zeroeth","user_metadata":"ABCD"},"sub_directories":[]}}
App: GetDir Response decoded.
App: Response: GetDirResponse { id: "fyRusYUR4l9UV12Dd8wLXxTZXpA2ROkiSeD3DEmnVR0OBWVFuFEni/AR/eyzBH/DFjPqCFnzvqlMQ0Xr/7aRvA==", data: GetDirResponseData { info: DirInfo { name: "zeroeth", creation_time_sec: 1446998081, creation_time_nsec: 565828942, modification_time_sec: 1446998081, modification_time_nsec: 565829236, is_private: true, is_versioned: false, user_metadata: "ABCD" }, sub_directories: [], files: [] } }
App: Exiting test app...
Launcher: App "nfs_example-mock-linux" - serial number 1, removed due to LauncherError::IpcSessionTerminated -> None

Listing the apps again nothing seems to have changed. Is this expected behaviour?

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haha xD exactly the same confusion I experienced 1h ago :wink:

I am not 100% sure about it but I think this is the expected behaviour and we just both where expecting to see something slightly more spectacular and no “Error” in the last line :smiley:

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I had the exact same question when I ran it,

Nothing is wrong, that is indeed the expected behavior.

This error message is actually a debug message for “successful exit” that is poorly worded.

This is documented in lines 39-40 of the safe_launcher cli release “” file:

[quote]/// IpcSession has been terminated due to either graceful shutdown or some error as indicated

So if there is no additional error message, the app successfully shutdown and the safe_launcher cli is telling you that (albeit poorly) for debugging purposes.