MaidSafe Dev Update :safe: 3rd November 2015

Thanks @anon86652309 and team for this extra deep and thorough update. I like having the extra detail on the libraries from those handling them.

I thought this was an extra ambitious sprint and am not surprised it was too much for the time allocated. If anything I’m surprised you came so close - literally a handful of bugs short off a full NAT handling public test network! That’s an amazing feat. What’s apparent is that decoupling the libraries and particularly the JSON API makes it much easier for the different teams to work independently which I guess is a boost to productivity.

I’m hungry for more as well! So some questions… :smile: Thanks for all the Apps to play with - I haven’t looked at them yet, so if any can answer my questions please say so and forgive me. Here goes:

  • regarding building apps, the Lancher JSON API remains limited to authentication and Drive I believe, which means I’m still stuck personally because I need to get to grips with other areas (Structured Data, messaging/notifications for a start). I haven’t grasped the power of Structured Data yet and need to play with it in the absence of more info, and due to build difficulties with safe_firefox_addon / safe_ffi have not managed to find a way to create a test App to play with it yet. I posted some details of these problems (see link) but am not sure the best way to move forward. It sounds like waiting for Launcher to expose these APIs is not happening soon, so can someone help us (me and @smacz if he’s still interested) build safe_firefox_addon / safe_ffi? The first question that might help help should be easy I think: what build environment you used, but obviously that might not be enough.

  • I’m assuming that the differences between mock and real routing are purely behind the scenes, and for an App the difference is going to be negligible. Is that accurate, and are there any things App Devs should be aware of that might affect us?

There, and I didn’t even mention ARM and temp_utp … oops! :wink: