Sorry but you’re late for the show. I’m fully cognizant of the intricacies and potential difficulty software development entails. Such a comment is rude and uneducated. My prior participation will hopefully clear that up for you.
I have since the day of discovery fully supported this project and made efforts to recruit other developers to help speed development. Your long hiatus has left you unequipped and uninformed. Rude is your sudden disoriented arrival with such a foolish and suggestive undertone.
My statement was reflective of not only one who’s eagerness could understandably diminish with time (even if just a little), but the sentiment of the greater non technical lurkers on this forum who’s continued support of the project is reinforced by results they can grasp. I don’t swim in the delusion that people will never experience disappointment because of the revolutionary impact something will have. I instead voice both sides of the coin regardless of my technical knowledge. It is that bullshit technocratic mindset that invariably alienates those that need software like this the most.
So in layman’s terms:
Dev team
This is our progress 80% percent of people don’t understand.
This is great stuff guys. Support fund, and tell your friends. Who cares if there is nothing to show or little for you to understand. Your disappointment is unexpected and unusual… I don’t understand!? Stop throwing rocks and potatoes (said in a likely high pitched nasally tone with the accent of your region). Holey mother of code protect me!!
Don’t worry guys and gals, I understand your disappointment. Let me help simplify this information in an attempt to respect the fact that their is no one person on this planet that specializes in everything. I don’t live in a bubble, I live with you. Dammit if I don’t help make this accessible and represent you where need be in this regard.
This is the productive non condescending approach. But hey what ever gives you the false sense of elitism. Such mental masturbation can be quite pleasurable. I’ve indulged in the past. That is of course before I grew up.
Yeah, okay. Since I’m not going to go all flamewar and the like, I’ll just pray to St. Mary of the Rust and St. Stanislaw of the GPU to protect us. That’s surely the best plan.
I wonder why the dev updates did not contain some vital pieces of info, like the fact that some of the team members were actively working against David and the way he had instructed them? This illuminating piece of the puzzle i stumbled upon randomly in the time thread. And even there the offenders were not named IIRC.
This reminds me about the secrecy and layers of cloak governments employ in their operations and is worrying.
Some laundry has to stay at home. While detailing this does give further insight, it can also cause undue worry and distrust. Almost all teams go through a phase of acclimation to unified progressive operation. Disharmony is common and inevitable in fairly large projects. Individualists though preferred for their unique insight have it the hardest. Remember, the information was right there, it just wasn’t highlighted for the sake of crafting much needed trust and unison on the part of those with the awareness to shape the development machine.
I don’t follow all the projects out there, but I think Maidsafe is the most detailed about what they’re doing on a weekly basis. These updates are very detailed and you can even check GiHub and see all action there almost on an hourly basis. I don’t really see the need to tell the community details like: “Dev 1 wanted to work on part X of that library but Dev 2 thought is was better to first implement the blablabla crate. They talked about it next to the coffee machine” What would that sort of info add? Nothing IMHO.
I think the team is doing a great job, making a lot of hours in very busy weeks. They even take the time to update us all on the status every week. I’ll just wait like everyone else for the great things that come.
just one thing to mention for perspective: other projects also have major delays,
thats just the way it goes with developing software.
take OpenBazaar for example: MVP was supposed to be summer 2015, then Dec 2015,
then Jan 2016… and we are still waiting…
As long as nobody else comes out faster with a project that can live up to SAFE I’m really
not worried about my investment. And the way I see it nobody else is even close.
That’s not to say that I’m not excited for launch and counting the days
How about “dev x knew dirvine had specified how to do something, then he goes behind his back doing it in another way, actively hiding this fact from project lead.”
If project lead orders something, and then at delivery realizes this is not even close to what i ordered, can you start to realize why this is taking so long? If the error is due to incompetence, it is excusable. When it seems it is due to arrogance/sabotage/disobeying orders then bells should start to ring.
This is great work guys. To all those people waiting yes it’s all relative but the best way to wait for stuff is to do other stuff. Time flies when you stay occupied doing stuff. And remember, maidsafe or no, the internet is only one aspect of life. There’s a whole world out there to explore and do things in to fill your time with. Trust me those weeks will fly by in no time.
Interesting. If this did happen It would not have been the first time in the history of innovation that heads knocked and people took liberties. Their motives may have been less malicious and more ego. I once lived in a perfect world, then I sobered up.
Great job guys! Keep it up. I know people here are feeling fizzy about the whole thing. They should really read the history of why they had to rebuild routing protocol three times! Flaws, after flaws. Well I rather wait, and not have major flaws in the system. Quite frankly, 10 years is nothing in terms of universe history. We’re just a speck in the time history. .00000000001% It took over 100 years to build high tech plane that can take you to other side of the world within 12 hours! Things take time to build! Everybody acting like there is never time to do anything. Well that’s bullshit. You have time to do things but you choose not to. Instead what you do? Work at some corporate shit job and play games afterwards? Well that is your problem! You are not prioritizing your time. /rant
Now onto safe subject, for the self-encryption, do I take the example API and incorporate with the project I am working with? Or is that example is part of the testing development?
i think you are being too ego-centric in your perspective. the crossed out safe is to warn early users that the software may not safe to use and thus to limit liability should someone download it and use it in a transaction involving a significant financial amount.
Yes, this is what I’ve heard as well. They warned when they launched that people shouldn’t start to import their wallets from the crowdsale and make big transactions. I indeed didn’t do that (although 3,60 was a great price ). Although I sold some coins last week after the rise. Stil owning 2 thirds of them.
I think it’s quite amazing what they do. Yes, it doesn’t have a GUI so far, and you’re not able to run Apps in the way it’s showed in this video. But they have a blockchain running that works as a decentralized computer. It takes contracts, transaction etc. In the coming year we’re all gonna be surprised from what P2P is gonna give us. Ethereum works quite different from Safenet but I think they’re both great. One for decentralized storage and websites, the other for releasing your own coin and vote on a blockchain.
Good choice. How do you plan to market the technology? The way it is presented in the forum is certainly not a benchmark which would make the product eligible for common EU funding.