I originally made this a pdf and sent to MaidSafe internally, but not sure if it went through. Also, I think it would be better as a CEP-type-thing that partially gets funded by the community so they can have say over what gets done, so I did major edits to reflect that.
I present…
(Reformatted for better viewing on this forum / mobile):
In growing SAFE-FS over the past few years, I have mastered some powerful management tools and platforms that I want to share with you, so that MaidSafe can expand its efforts many times over, in certain areas such as marketing, front-end development, social media outreach and others.
I know you like to keep things short, so I’ve cut this down massively. Please read it over.
e-Office Proposal
I propose a locally-managed, freelancer branch for MaidSafe, to develop marketing, videos, social media, and even experimental sub-branches for the lighter side of development (optional). This proposal comes from my own mastery of freelancer tools and management over recent years, and my delighted personal success with them. I have developed a format that I wish to share with you.
As seen in the figure above, it stems from adding around 3 new hires in Troon. The requirements for these people are very low, as they would mostly be directing small teams online. I would take full responsibility in locating locally for a period and providing full training for them for free, until they are capable enough to go on their own. They would report directly to MaidSafe, coming in once a week to discuss their progress and the work their team has created, or as often as you prefer. Could report to Dug & Sarah of marketing, or Nick, etc to get the green flags on each piece of content content made.
Additional Breakdown of the System
This is a freelancing system that I have created from years of trial and error, and am happy to come and train your new hires in how to use it with total efficiency. It is the system I have been using for almost a year now, and refining heavily over the past few months to a system I am extremely happy and efficient with. It involves the use of several top freelancer websites, but hiring freelancers is never the problem. The problem is usually monitoring their progress, so depending on the type of job, I pay by deliverable or use different employee monitoring software so that I can see their honest work and time spent during each day on my tasks. This isn’t really something that exists or is explained well on any of the websites, and I would be happy to come find people and train them to become part-time managers (like I am) except they would work for MaidSafe and create marketing materials primarily, but also this model could expand into any part of what MaidSafe needs done, to deliver on its goals, which are creating the SAFE Network and explaining / giving it to developers and the masses.
Minimizing Costs, Risk, & Time Spent
This entire project is built around your own contracts / agreements that you have full control over. You can take these new managers on as limited contract work, and they would have to pass this provisional “Training Period” to your exact liking, before offering any longer contracts. Since the skill requirements are very very low (basic basic online managerial / project idea creation), and the job can even be called “part time” as well as mostly remote, then the applicant pool is very very high, meaning the pay can be very limited, where you feel comfortable, & is truer still for online workers.
I have also recently reformatted this document so that it can be a CEP, which means that the community partially funds this initiative. This is an exciting development because the community can then be able to play a part in the decisions and idea process of the local Troon managers, who can collaborate or post new ideas to the community for feedback, just as the community can do as well. When agreements are made between both sides, these new projects / initiatives can take place. I see the community funding up to 25% of this, and having a somewhat limited oversight of the projects, where MaidSafe has the majority say in what gets worked on, and I feel would appropriately pay 75% since the managers work under them and report to them primarily.
Proposal Benefits:
- Massive pool of hires online, in freelance markets
- Total control of contracts, length, benefits or lack thereof, time worked, etc
- Contracts can be canceled at any time
- Can find workers with any type of skills
- Many modern sites offer escrow protection, where you only pay if proper work was delivered
- Can pay weekly, and therefore decide to fund further escrows each week, giving total control
- Only have to talk with 3 people in Troon, to be in charge of 15+ workers
- Can be focused on marketing first (graphics, video design etc) but this model can also be used for efficient frontend design or even potential training for onboarding Rust / Routing devs, or anything
- All workers in this proposal (managers, workers, etc) are cost-effective and of limited contracts, minimizing risk and cost. Unless you wish to pay greater for retention, if they prove themselves
- Provides great use of modern tools and MaidSafe company future expansion
My Involvement
This doesn’t have to take away at all from MaidSafe’s limited time. I am prepared to relocate locally until the part-time trainees are ready and managing the workers well. This will be my third visit to Troon and Glasgow and by now I have become quite comfortable independently getting around and finding rooms etc. I am not here to bother MaidSafe who I know limits their meetings to only what is needed. I feel I can work quite well and finish this and ready myself to return to Malaysia as soon as I feel confident the trainees are using the system efficiently and producing quality work.
I know how you at MaidSafe prefer to function, as a company, in terms of limiting outside contact / meetings, limiting resources used in general for new / experimental programs, using contracts instead of permanent hires, & keeping strict quality control for anything portraying your image.
And that is why I have thought hard about this proposal, and think it offers exciting expansion, while also being 100% in-line with how you function. Please let’s give this a shot Just want to help.
I hope you’ve seen my success with own team recently, both locally and remote, from my videos, website, images, and overall growth. Please let me come and have a shot at helping MaidSafe benefit from these tools as well We all want to see you expand to where you should be.
Just like SAFE-FS has! NEW vid / etc boosted content 7 DAYS / WK!!
Will be happy to come get them set up & efficient
For @nicklambert @SarahPentland @dugcampbell @Viv etc