This almost feels like a softening up, before the proclamation of a governance structure for the safenetwork.
Several times Nick proclaims that ‘consensus is critical’ …well, consensus works in computer programs where constants and variable are know and rules are in place, but as humans we are all too easily manipulated into the dialectic…a preconceived outcome bounded by extremes. The oldest trick in the book, just keeps giving.
Governance…ouch! this word needs to be actively eliminated from human consciousness.
How? By building a platform that offers humans 100% privacy (for the first ever) and enables them to self-organize into whatever they want.
I would encourage Nick to read the Reinventing Organizations wiki
This video does a good job of explaining Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory (a model of psychology development that describes human development as following a set course of stages of development)
The next evolutionary step is self-organization which eliminates ‘consensus’. In place of consensus is the ‘advice process’ for decision making thus:
Any person can make any decision, after seeking advice from:
• Everyone who will be meaningfully affected
• People with expertise in the matter
Steps in the advice process:
- Someone notices a problem or opportunity and takes the initiative, or alerts someone better placed to act.
- Prior to a proposal, the decision-maker may seek input and other perspectives before proposing action.
- The initiator makes a proposal and seeks advice from those affected or those with expertise.
- Taking this advice into account, the decision-maker decides on an action and informs those who have given advice.
A real world example of an organisation using self-organising methods?
Buurtzorg “Neighborhood Care”
Buurtzorg was awarded Best Employer in the Netherlands for 3 years running, all the while providing savings of EUR 2bn a year to the Dutch social security system.
“Essentially, the program empowers nurses (rather than nursing assistants or cleaners) to deliver all the care that patients need. And while this has meant higher costs per hour, the result has been fewer hours in total. Indeed, by changing the model of care, Buurtzorg has accomplished a 50 percent reduction in hours of care, improved quality of care and raised work satisfaction for their employees.”
I really believe that self-organization can be utilised to assure the Safenetwork stays true to purpose, by side stepping the consensus trap.
Can the ‘advice process’ be guaranteed by a smart contract like function?