MaidSafe and project SAFE moving forward

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Yes but if he was a real investor I’d suspect his forum account to be more than 42min old

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How about the xx+ million already sent to Poloniex since this announcement

Do you think these are just a few investors shorting the market? This is only with 1k podcast listens and 450+ thread views. We might be in for a lesson on investing.

Edit: I don’t know for sure because there is a bunch of accounts related to other accounts that have deposited some to Poloniex and are still holding others. I apologize for throwing out a poorly educated guess. My point was there is a whole lot more movement of MAID since the announcement and I don’t think we should ignore the possible reason’s. Especially since the future development of the project hangs on the value of 24 (Already sold 1million?) million MAID.


Just set up an auction. Long thread so I didn’t really get to a point where that idea was dismissed…or was it.

For whatever it is worth, I think Maid will survive this easily. The market shouldn’t be the only people profiting off of this project and if it is needed for development then all the better.

Short term vs long term concerns. Goodness…I want the Safe Network more than I care about the price right now. Opportunities and prices are increased by the existence of the Safe Network.


Thx :slight_smile: I knew it wasn’t a bad idea.

and no, someone just called it dumb and then they got flagged. But I haven’t heard anything bad from anyone else about it.

I think it’s a good idea, Especially if they add special qualities to the coins, like an embedded message saying they are the “misprint” coins and they get returned after being burned, for future historical value to be enjoyed by their owner

Jesus Christ… Things move fast

This is the address to look at :

About 3.5M deposited, 1M dumped yet.

Big difference huh? 20M or 3.5M.

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Exactly! If everyone just steps back and holds off. Let’s these coins be sold off, we get to alpha quicker, get demo apps kicked out (listen to podcast, safecoin will be easily coded compared to the low level network layers currently being polished) some PR and bang price is better than we’ve seen yet and everyone is happy. And @ioptio is right lets do this and ride that sweet post alpha momentum!


I remember Vericoin rolling back their blockchain and they sure paid for that decision. Let’s not underestimate the power of fear in this space. One sniff of a problem and down she goes.

If people are selling right now they’re just locking in a loss.


That’s not the point. They will sell until we fix it. Please let’s not have the usual chorus of cheap coins. :confounded:


Let’s control the narrative then. Less FUD and come to consensus. Do we support this decision? Yay or nay?
Me yay.


Maybe this is hard for them, because they’re… Asleep :sleeping: :zzz: Troon time zone

David even said in the interview just now that he sleeps between 4 - 8am so we’re right in the middle of it looks like


Thanks for the suggestion. I think BitSquare is listed as alpha quality so not sure of its reliability yet. I agree that selling off exchanges would be better for investors. Looking at this now.


Telling the market that you are going to dump millions of shares before you do it will only end one way…


Does paying back erroneously made safecoin mean to destroy them ?

^yeah I gotta agree with this.

It’s just not quite “logical” as is often said here

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This has all the hallmarks of a fait accompli. The devs seem to have decided, without community vote, to borrow funds to enable development. The funds are controversial because they come from “unintended” coins “held” or “owned” by the Foundation, which some claim should have been burned after the crowdsale. Any controversy surrounding these coins must be put to bed swiftly even if it already has on some other thread.
If the devs decide to put themselves in hock for the long term, it’s their decision. The reactions to posts so far seem to indicate the devs have not deviated and intend to implement their plan.
Devs may wish to consider greater community involvement in this one. They already knew they would wake to a s### storm.

I don’t understand the take on this move by a lot of ppl in this thread. David stated that these coins, although erroneously created, have always been counted in the total MAID count, so they are not diluting existing MAID, they are simply selling existing MAID as a sort of bridge loan against revenue generated by the devs (employees of Maidsafe) from future products they produce. It is not an uncommon funding option and yes can involve risk if revenue is scarce initially, but is a way better option than giving some VC a chunk of the company and hoping they have a vision anywhere near as amazing as the founders…

Off exchange sales may also be an option but there is no guarantee the funds would be enough or in time…


Those MAIDs are worth a little more than 1M USD, which is a small amount to many rich guys. Just pitch to a few of them and sell to them directly. Selling in Poloniex is definitely not a good idea.

@dirvine, as the CEO, you have the responsibility to protect both your team and current MAID holders. Do it fast, and don’t cause panic.