Launch Planning: Community Update šŸš€

Talking with the guys the native token is still quite far out, so the October token is ā€˜testā€™, the January is ā€˜networkā€™ and the guys (hopefully with some scale to help adoption) will then deliver the next/final phase which is ā€˜Nativeā€™


Thanks for the clarification


@dirvine is likely more who you want to hear this from, but yes.


Feels to me like yous have ā€˜shit outā€™ of what this network was supposed to be. Apologies for the language but this has annoyed me. I thought we were meant to be taking the internet back?


The good thing is that the timeline does no longer look unrealistic to me =) :hugs:


using Ethereum , even mentioning it anywhere on the autonomi web page will be toxic for adoption. Exactly what happened with Nostr when devs focused on crypto which was also separate from the actual network. Normal people see ā€˜cryptoā€™ and they roll their eyes and never look back. Maidsafe was supposed to be different, I know block chain is not the network, but just the mere association with crypto payments will absolutely send a red flag to everyday people. On and off ramps for crypto are painful unless you are a crypto enthusiast. It really will become just another failed blockchain project. Crypto is hated by almost everyone. People would rather use visa, at least its convenient, privacy is the same in the age of KYC. What a sad day this is.


18 years and we use ethereum for the payments :see_no_evil:


We need people to want to take it back, we need people to use it, build on it and host it - people wonā€™t host for free and without a big enough demand for uploads and payments, the incentive for running nodes will diminish (the token needs, at least to start value outside of the digital world for folks to draw on), and the network wonā€™t reach itā€™s final form (it will be restricted). This isnā€™t changing the vision, this is sequencing the elements that are needed in order to get to it. And you donā€™t need to apologise for the language, this matters and your reaction is reflective of that.


I dont get the negativity. They are offering a tried and tested token solution in ETH, to enable faster adoption! Onboarding with exchanges will be far easier, an influx of new developers, donā€™t some of you guys get it?

Please devs, crack on. If thereā€™s tech out there (which btw wasnā€™t 5 years ago) then absolutely use it. Iā€™m fully behind this.


Store data thatā€™s quantum encrypted

Was quantum resistant meant by this?


Yeah itā€™s a shorthand for that

yes, we seem to have mixed up two things there - will update, thank you! cc: @JimCollinson

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ERC-20 token :exploding_head:

Please no, that just makes the whole thing complex for onboardingā€¦ Gas fees are insane, minimum token transactions, the KYC on on/off ramps, the list goes on.

Era or Polygon offer a far more accessible option, if you are going the ERC-20 route, with bridges and Dex already in placeā€¦

I understand why an alternative temporary token is needed to bridge the gap, but ETH L1 ERC-20 :angry:

Can we just keep the temporary tokens going longer until launch in 2025 ? I fear the crypto-side will make this ā€œjust anotherā€ project, when the focus needs to be on the decentralized nodes and the ability to store / retrieve stuff.

The rest of the announcement looks fine, soft launch which is great to get it into the wild.


Letā€™s split them out - as two points trying to be covered I think?

L2 and use of tried tools is part of this - to help onboarding, and thatā€™s essentially what weā€™re doing, we can decentralise further (no master wallet like weā€™ve had to have Nanoā€™s sent to in beta etc), see how quotes, nodes and payments are working, benefit from smart contracts and have visibility (by using that exchanges and the like are comfortable with/instantly trust), all while the guys continue to work on the Native token, which will replace the erc standard one.


Seems reasonable to me.

Letā€™s get launched, get the network established, give the team an income, then build out the rest of it.

Iā€™d much rather have a working network with an ERC-20 token than more waiting.

Tbh, having support for both tokens seems like a great feature to me too. Those who are comfortable with Ethereum wallets - which includes many developers - will likely find it a boon. The legals may have also put them same folks off.

Just please do complete the native token. It is an awesome feature and will surely be better than a blockchain solution in the long run.


Question: Why yet another ERC-20 token, when we already have eMAID?

Iā€™m glad there are conversion processes planned, but it does add to the fog of token confusion.


My worry is we will get fobbed off with the ERC-20 token and never see the native token.


yeah, if I understand correctly, there will be:

  1. MAID on Omni
  2. eMaid on ERC-20
  3. New ERC-20 (in October)
  4. Native token (in January)
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Especially when the regulators come knocking.