Hmm … Failing to upload anything - do you have a URL I can cat or dog?
./safe cat test
./safe cat test/img/safe_logo_blue.svg
Have you got the browser working now?
Sorry stupid question - ignore
Yes those work but I can’t upload
user@user-VirtualBox:~/tfa-testnet7$ ./safe auth login
Sending login action request to authd...
Logged in successfully
user@user-VirtualBox:~/tfa-testnet7$ ./safe files put uploads --recursive
[2020-06-16T22:19:39Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] NetDataError - Failed to PUT Sequenced Append Only Data: Data error -> Access denied - CoreError::DataError -> AccessDenied
./safe auth status ???
| SAFE Authenticator status | |
| Authenticator daemon version | 0.0.10 |
| Logged in to a SAFE account? | Yes |
| Number of pending authorisation requests | 0 |
| Number of notifications subscribers | 0 |
./safe networks check ??
user@user-VirtualBox:~/tfa-testnet7$ ./safe networks check
Checking current setup network connection information…
Fetching ‘tfa7’ network connection information from ‘/home/user/.config/safe_vault/vault_connection_info.config’ …
‘tfa7’ network matched. Current set network connection information at ‘/home/user/.config/safe_vault/vault_connection_info.config’ matches ‘tfa7’ network as per current config
ls -l ~/tfa-testnet7$ ./safe ??
just to be absolutely sure you are using @tfa’s version of safe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 willie willie 19094008 Jun 14 20:43 safe
check the file size
Yep it’s the same. Strange. I’ll try tomorrow on a linux box rather than a VM in case it’s Windows firewall playing up
My number of notifications subscribers is 1:
| SAFE Authenticator status | |
| Authenticator daemon version | 0.0.10 |
| Logged in to a SAFE account? | Yes |
| Number of pending authorisation requests | 0 |
| Number of notifications subscribers | 1 |
(but I don’t know the implications of this)
Yes thats a good line of enquiry. I still find it strange that apparently otherwise intelligent people are still using Windows except in VMs in cases of dire necessity…
When Microsoft port Excel to Linux I’m off (which is why they won’t do it)
You are just missing the --self-auth
flag, you are loging in authd but you are not authorising the CLI app.
See - I TOLD you I wouldn’t be the last to make that mistake…
I wrote an Excel macro once - and was full of self-loathing for weeks
I once tried to write a macro for Libre Office Calc and gave up though
[quote=“bochaco, post:36, topic:31936”]
user@user-VirtualBox:~/tfa-testnet7$ ./safe files put uploads --recursive
FilesContainer created at: “safe://hnyynywtcqq5z3nry78muk5ek6f1o9fwndsp64csxrhuu4di3h9jbfdqsybnc”
+ uploads
+ uploads/ safe://hbkytydass4nhb65wtw7o8c55ipuqt6jxdn3gx1pyfr1fce46rigqwhypc
I’m sure I’ve made it before too. Probably many times but they all kind of blur into one…
Thank you for the detailed guide !
It is nice that the vault and cli can be isolated in a directory.
I suppose that I am not holding people’s chunks right now, as I only have :
8.0K ./chunks/immutable
12K ./chunks
24K .
I’ll let it run for a while and see